Gladius Case #1


Screenshot 2022-06-17 at 6.26.55 PM.png

Alright! I wanted to start sharing my loots from Gladius Case, cause it is the closest that I can get to opening a pack. I don't know about you, but I simply love it when I get to open packs. It is in a way, like gachapon? You have no idea what you are going to get. One golden, be it the card is golden or the gem that is golden (meaning legendary) will definitely send you flying with happiness.

So my first officially documented Gladius Case Opening. Well, no epic, legendary no golden. But hey! I was able to accumulate 5 Isgald Vorst and able to upgrade it! So yups, still good! Though it is common, I do feel that of this pack, Whistling Damon is the strongest though. What do you think?

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