Weekly Challenge - Wood Nymph



Alright so I have missed quite a couple of weeks of Weekly Challenge because I simply do not have those creatures. And coincidentally, every single opponent I faced did not use those Monsters as well, thus making me miss quite a series of Weekly Challenge. Nevertheless, am so glad that I managed to find someone who used this monster.

Wood Nymph has been an insanely strong monster since before the introduction of Chao Legion. In fact, lemme show you how strong it is with my match up against one of them!



I would say, this is one of the greatest hacks on the lower level, and it sure is a pain to face one.

With a Mylor Cowling Summoner, all melee attacks are negated and deals damage back to ourselves.

Having Unicorn Mustang as a tank on the first position with it's Void ability reduces the damage of Magic attack.

So all in all, we are pretty much left with just range attack. And this is the time Wood Nymph steps in. With the Tank Heal ability, it is just a matter of time before our tank get removed and when our ranged monsters are placed on the first position, they are unable to attack.

This lineup by the opponent is a pure classic, a hack at the lower levels. I really wish I could replicate this but buying these cards alone is costing a bomb, thus I guess this is a lineup I will never get to use

So will I use it? Hell yes, a 4 mana magic monster with Tank Heal is a really strong card. Nevertheless, I do not have this card and it is no longer available through packs and looking at the exorbitant prices, I believe this is a monster that I would just have to settle without


Yes it is a good lineup.
You always use Peakmonster to rent.
But I don’t think is a necessity since you can play other monsters.


Hey @lemeonna , thank you so much for popping by! So glad to know someone is reading my post! Feel free to stop by my page!

Yea! I am trying out different combinations too, you are right! But just that being a new player, the choice of cards are limited to namely Chaos Legion decks as well as Reward decks!
