One week Experience of Card Renting on Splinterlands


Last week I published a post for the start of rental for my splinterlands cards. I have been playing battles by myself since the beginning and it's been more than two years so far. Since I used to see a lot of posts talking about the rental and this is a good option so I thought of giving it a try to figure out how this option works. Now I have completed one week with the rental and in this post, I am going to share how much I have earned in the last week and I will also share whether I will continue to use the same or not.



In my opinion, it is always the best way to make the best use of your cards even if you are playing the better or you are renting out but ultimately you should be earning a decent amount of income either way. Playing the battle is fun and gives us some time to entertain ourselves however this way we also learn many tips and tricks to make our battling better. Playing the battle is undoubtedly a good idea but if you do not have enough time to play every day then other options can be explored.

I was not able to play more battles in the last few weeks and because of this, I thought of trying the rental option. I would like to mention that based on my collection power I am eligible to play until silver 3 and I was planning to increase it further but it still I am holding less than 100 care collection power. So my game reward is not so high since in the silver league we do not get so many of the rewards after the new reward mechanism. Below is the snapshot of my earnings in lost one week which is exactly 6 days till now and I have earned 13K DEC tokens so far. There was also an issue one in the rental but even if I include that then I am earning over 2k DEC in a day. If I convert this value to USD then it is less than $2 but if we look at the amount of the token I receive then it is pretty good because I don't remember if I ever had daily earning off 2000 tokens. So to be honest I like the earnings that I am fetching through the rental service and I will continue to do this.


This way I expect that in a month I should be able to earn about 50,000 tokens approximately after paying the 10% charge for the service. The good thing is that I need not spend time every day and since it is helping me to save time then I think it is a good idea for me for now. Maybe in the future when I will have more time than I may think of is stopping the rental and will get back to gameplay again but this dec token earning, I am going to use to upgrade my cards. There was an HBD pump yesterday and I was able to buy more credits. Most of my seminars are upgraded to level 6 and now I am also focusing on upgrading the monster slowly so in the coming month my game cards will be on the higher level and that will be a good time to bring even better revenue earning. Even if I start playing then also I should be able to play in a higher league that will be even more rewarding and I am working for that to happen.

Overall the rental earnings are good for me and I'm going to continue it for some more time because it is good for me so far. If you are asking for my opinion then I would say yes and I recommend giving it a try if you are not playing every day using your cards because this way you would be able to earn a good amount of tokens every day by doing nothing. It is just a one-time setup and that's all you need to do but there is a daily invoice generated by the system which you need to pay to avoid any disruption in the service. I try to clear the outstanding every day as you can see in my voice snapshot where the outstanding is 0 because I do not want to stop the service just because I did not clear the charge applied by the portal.

If you are thinking of giving a try rental service then I would suggest going for it without thinking much and I'm sure you will be liking the experience. Please do note that it is only good for you if you are not playing at all but again playing the battle yourself can bring better rewards and this is just an alternative to manage the situation when you have no time to play or you are not able to play regularly for any reason.

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
