#43 - Almo Cambio Is More Than Just A Poison Specialist



The theme for the current "Share Your Battle" challenge is Giant Roc but I thought of sharing another underrated card which can also be used in 2nd position in some situations. It is none other than Almo Cambio, which is probably well-known for being a specialist for Poison battles. Actually Almo Cambio a lot more than that! in this battle, I would like to show how its solid hp is useful for Blast battles too!

  • Team Setup: Shieldbreaker was paired with Venari Crystalsmith with Almo Cambio absorbing all the expected blast damage. Pelacor Arbalest was tasked to do the heavy damage.
  • Round 1: Almo Cambio soaked up 5 damage, while Shieldbreaker was kept alive by Venari Crystalsmith and Pelacor Arbalest knocked 1 card out.
  • Round 2: Same script on the front, Almo Cambio soaked up damage, and Venari Crystalsmith healed Shieldbreaker and Pelacor Arbalest knocked 2 cards out, one through hits and another one through blast.
  • Round 3: And it's over! A very rare battle with the entire team staying intact.

If you want to watch the full battle, I believe you can catch it via this link.

Did the strategy work? Definitely yes, which Almo Cambio did an awesome job of soaking up all the blast damage.

What will you try differently next time? Better use of 1 mana space. On hindsight, Creeping Ooze would be more useful than Gargoya Scrapper.

Do you like the ALMO CAMBIO? Why or why not? Definitely yes, I have been using Almo Cambio for 2 months and it is definitely a card that is worth to buy/rent.

What are your takeaways from this battle? Feel free to comment below, as I am always keen to learn and improve!

As always, thanks for reading and have a pleasant day ahead!

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