RE: The Magic The Gathering Player Guide to Splinterlands

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Those are excellent questions!

  • The Pay-to-win side is decently contained as everything works on "Leagues": You have cheap cards at low level with lvl 1-2 summoners, you play in Bronze or Silver league, you become a degen and get better cards and raise your summoners to level 5-6, you go to Gold and beyond. Also, rewards are bigger as opponents are meaner ^_^ . This being said, you will be beaten regularly by more expensive cards AND by more cheap cards. Its all about the match conditions and how you deploy your roster .

  • About "Drafts or Sealed Deck" Type tournaments, the game mechanics makes it impossible (at least now) as the match conditions varies every duel, but the mentioned League system is their solution to the Mr. Suitcases of the world ;P .

  • Last but not least: the Decipher SW CCG! Damn sure, we still have some first edition singles in stock, haha! I loved the deck-hand-graveyard mechanics, truly innovative.
    All Decipher games (Star Trek, LOTR) were nicely designed games but the sales dept unbalanced them as the rare characters were really overpowered vs. the common or uncommon ones. Then there was the licenses problem (too much money) so that was a too big animal for them to tame.
    Still, fond memories of flying with Luke in his X-Wing to Dantooine!


Gotcha. I think once I have a little more time to devote to grokking a new game I'll give it a try. Lol, a while back I bought 5 packs of Chaos Legion in hopes that it might imitate Urza's Saga but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Yeah, I was just starting to get into the Decipher SW when the plugged got pulled, was rather disappointed. Couldn't have afforded to play it and MtG both though. Thanks for the answers!


Chaos Legion was overprinted as it was in the midst of the last bull market, it has been more like a Fallen Empires of sorts 😆 Still good cards in there, for someone starting as a casual player I would definitely recommend spending $100 on 100 CL packs, lots of cards for cheap

Posted via D.Buzz
