Doubling up on Maxed Summoners in Waiting...


I'm working on the basis that every plot of LAND I own in Splinterlands is going to require a summoner to work it, and so I've been gradually buying up Summoners with the DEC rewards I get from Splinterlands rentals.

It's been a slow, slow process but I'm getting there.....

I now have TWO of these EARTH DUDES...

Screenshot 20220311 at 21.22.59.png

Note that a maxed summoner is 115 cards, so I've opted for 2 times 60/40/14/1 or L5/L4/L3 and L1.

The reason for this is that I don't know what the relative advantage of having a maxed summoner is going to be and in the meantime L4s and L6s give one a decent enough rental return.

I've also got two Tarzas - accidentally bought one too many...

Screenshot 20220311 at 21.23.28.png

Possibly a bit more nuts are the Quixs - I'm aiming for three maxed in waitings - I just need 6 individual cards for this - different balance with legendaries as it's only 11 for a max.

I'm a long way off owning 100 maxed summoners to match my hundred plots, in fact I've 'only' got 30 maxed in waiting so far, which doesn't even cover a third of them, but with not having maxed most of them I've got around 80 L3 and aboves so I could populate nearly all my plots if I wanted.

I guess I'll have to wait and see what the relative advantages are of having a maxed compared to lower level summoners on the plots is!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have a shitload of summoners. Do you think I should get more of them and try to max them out? I currently don't own any land but thinking to get one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I've always had a summoners first approach to this game, so that's what I've done, and having the capacity to max them out could well be useful, but I would leave them at lower levels as the returns are better ATM.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Summoners are the last bit that’s remaining for me. Don’t have the funds to buy the numbers like this but getting there lol. With SPS and the airdrop ive been trying to keep my DEC in my wallet so that I get more SPS. Eventually I’ll get some more summoners, my highest is level 3 for chaos right now sadly lol

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