Struggling to Hodl!


It might sound like an Oxymoron, but I am struggling to Hodl onto my stables and Hive ATM.

I'm keen to accumulate some more DEC to maximise my SPS airdrop, but I have this sneaky feeling that the price is going to go lower in January and February, following the Chaos Legion general sale release.

So I'm holding off accumulating too much ATM, even though the price seems to have plateaued...

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It's something of mental challenge as I've got a lot of stables kicking around that I was going to spend on Chaos Legion packs, now not so many, I'm going to wait for individual cards instead, but that cash is pretty much ring-fenced for Splinterlands assets one way or another.

I'm still going to buy a fair few packs, but with the rest I'm holding other assets in the meantime, and will buy a mix of DEC, SPS (when I think they've bottomed) and individual cards as they fall in price after the GS release.

But I'm looking at DEC ATM and thinking I'd really like another couple of million!

But I'm holding, holding, holding!

It's tough!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
