Crypto Holdings Overview April 2023

It's been all change in the balance of my crypto assets since the big LAND reveal netted me a Castle....

I've now got a full on 60% of assets just in Splinterlands, and given where this started from, like much less than 5% that's testimony to the growth of the game!

Crypto holdings overview April 2023...

What's below are dollar value equivalents...

chart (56).png

More Bitcoin

I have picked up a little more Bitcoin in 2023, steadily stacking as it's the daddy after all!

Hive holding steady

I've been gaining around 1500 Hive a month but the price is down slightly over the last few months, but the dollar amount overall is the same!

HBDs are now my only stable...

I've picked up a few more of these, it's a nice little stables project, I now have no USDC/ BUSD/ or USDT, this is the ONLY one!

Rune/ LTC/ ETH

I only hold around 5% in these, I do believe in them and I should really accumulate more, but none of them are a priority!

They just don't excite me as much as Hive and Splinterlands!


Well netting a castle made me a whole lot richer - I've actually taken 25% off the current lowest list price of a castle thinking it will probably settle down a it, so I'm being cautious.

Nodes down in value

Nodes, or licenses have been trading for $1000 U.S. worth Hive just this week - a total bargain if you ask me as these things spit out VOUCHER and SPS like nothing else!

Card values up and SPS level

Part of the reason I'm not selling LAND ATM is that the card and SPS values have held up pretty nicely this year, which suggests to me things bode well for LAND.

I'm getting the feeling LAND is going to be a MASSIVE sink for SL resources and be a deflationary thang...

Final thoughts... now is the time to HODL SL assets

It feels WRONG having so much of an imbalance in SL, but I also feel i just need hodl for a while longer until LAND actually goes live, I don't think we are quite there at fever pitch yet.....

I want to wait for the beginning of LAND 2.0. I think that will be the time to offload a few plots, maybe!

NB I am offloading a few surplus plots now too, but like 3% of what I've got, I have to do a little rebalancing, especially since I'm so far UP compared to where I bought in!


I hope that all pays off. With the changes in rentals I'm making less from renting my cards now, but still get some income from the game. It seems a lot of Hive game assets have lost value, but maybe it will pick up this year.


I get the feeling land staking is going to be a bit more profitable than rentals, but we'll see!

It's nuts that my SL holdings are worth so much, but it's all from nothing, which is even more nuts!


Only hbd stable eh.... I'm building a small dashboard for hbd, so people can track its health in an easy way, hope to get it out in a month time


Sounds like a useful project...

It does certainly seem stable - but I'm still reluctant to hold more than $5K in stables, but that's just my own personal limit!


Hive is basicly the exit liquidity for HBD, so you need to keep an eye on that :)


You are a cryptolandlord with a castle! That is some nice upgrade to it.

I wait that the land plots drop a little more and will buy some more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
