RE: Games Are Taking Over The Financial World + My Introduction

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I'm in pretty much exactly the same position as you - Splinterlands seems to be on track as a life changer - a daily drop and rentals of hundreds of dollars is BONKERS, and sitting on a TRACT, as you say, that's the crazy thing, this is just the start.

I did start with Upland then just couldn't be arsed any more.

I also just missed out with Decentraland.... I ummmed and awwed a couple of years ago over whether I should buy some land and decided not to, wish I had.

But at least with Splinterlands it's all good.

Funny thing about Dcrops is this (hint) the game is quite dull (I already can't be bothered with it after just 2 seasons) but holding the packs unopened gets you quite a nice drop of Hive every day.

Have you heard of CryptoRaiders btw? That's my favourite game Vest besides Splinterlands, on Polygon.


Man, a tract is something I can only drean about. Congrats on making that solid choice. I bought one plot of land in March as a just in case. Glad to have that but also it mocks me daily in how lonely it is.

The thing with upland for me is that while its boring as can be, they have a very captive audience that spend unreasonable time and money on things like buildings with no stated purpose. People believe in that game and they've built communities and economies and the devs are always active and moving the ball forward. That combination of traits mixed with where we are in this industry is just too good to ignore.

lol dCrops. I agree. They have a long way to go before its a game or worth playing. But the rewards are good so I'll check in every few days and hold some alpha assets.

With Decentraland, I missed those $100 plots too but it's still an infant. I believe there will come a day when digital space overtakes the value of physical space. I think rentals in Splinterlands is giving us a glimpse of a future where livings are made online and owning the assets trumps all. At $5000, owning a plot in Decentraland is an absolute must going forward with my vision of the world.

Haven't heard of Cryptoraiders. What do you like about it?



dCity > dCrops ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm sure you're right. I went and checked it out the other day briefly though and I didn't get it. I saw a list of buildings and didn't know what to do with them. Another one I tried for a minute but didn't get was CryptoBrewMaster. There's so much going on there and no instruction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
