Rewards Coming Our Way!



New Cards Look AMAZING!

Hi everyone!! I've been out driving the Kansas Prairies a lot lately due to some personal matters, but that didn't keep me from hearing the great Splinterland tea about the AMAZING new reward cards coming our way, and I'm so excited about it! I'm wondering which one will be my favorite! What are you looking forward to? I think new cards is JUST what we need in Splinterlands now!

And because of the growth in the game, they're printing TWENTY TIMES the usual amount! It's EXTRAORDINARY! You honestly couldn't join this game at a better time! Have you invited your friends yet?

Then, after teasing us with the numbers, they refused to share much more on the reward cards, but they DID show us the new ABILITES with the Chaos Legions, the card pack that's coming soon as a pre-sale! EEEEEK!!

Here they are!!

2021-09-11 (3).png

I feel like my favorite is going to be amplify because I LOVE magic reflect and THORNS!! I mean EVERY ROSE HAS ITS THORNS, RIGHT?!?!?! :) HEE HEE

And Camouflage? Like it's genius!! Who came up with these ? I love it! 😍

They also released two of the cards as well with their stats for the Chaos Legions pack.


Above is the Lava Launcher. This card cracks me up. That guy launching the lava is having WAYYYY too much fun, don't you think? I mean he is DEFINITELY the guy that needs a psych evaluation! MUHAHAHA!

And then there's the Djinn OShannus!


He's got a serious six pack there! I wonder which of the developers from Splinterlands he's modelled after? 😆


But the real question of the day is, what are your plans, guys? Are you saving up for these Chaos Legion card packs? I know I am! I'm really excited. I'm slowly but surely building up my stash, but I have to admit I'm going to be VERY excited to see the reward cards on Monday. I'll be out of town once again, so it might be a bit before I get to them, but they will be waiting for me when I get home and I have a feeling those Kansas prairies will be singing to me. I'm counting on it!


If you enjoyed my post and want to try Splinterlands, please use my referral link:

