Strategy Can Change the Whole Balance in Battle. Is Power Or Speed More Effective?


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Hello all Splinterlands lovers,

Today I wanted to share an interesting battle with you. My strategy with the opposing player was pretty much the same in this battle, and we both teamed up with exactly the same Monsters, including the Summoner. There were 2 differences in this battle. First, the order of the Monsters was different. Secondly, the level of NFT cards in the opposing team was higher than mine.

Battle Link

I shared a battle with you in the video, I recommend you to watch it. When we examine the two teams, it seems that the Summoner and Monsters are the same, only the Monsters are in different positions. The armor and speed of the two teams are the same, only the total power is different. And it is seen that the opposing player is more powerful than the team. My team's total attack power is 10, while the opposing team's total attack power is 12. When we look at the power, the opposing team must win this battle. But sometimes power is not enough to win battles. The good ones win the battles, not the power ones.

Strategy is very important in battles. With a good strategy, you are likely to win many battles. I usually place Monsters that have speedy and attack with Melee Attacks in the first position, or close to the first position. It's very important for my team to have speedy Monsters in the first position in my team especially because Many Melee and Range Attackers can miss speedy Monsters more. In this battle, although the opposing team was more powerful, they missed many attacks, which caused them to lose the battle. My strategy worked pretty well in this battle. I can also say that I was quite lucky in this battle. If the opposing team hadn't missed so many, they could have won this battle very easily.

Summoner and Monsters on My Team

I also looted 6 chests after completing my daily quest today.


  • 28 Dark Energy Crystals (DEC)
  • 2 Alchemy Potion Charges

Battle Link

What do you think about the battle in the video?

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Wow similar line up there but there has to be one winner!
