Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Rebellion!



Hi guys,

Welcome to my blog. As usual this is an entry to the splinterlands social media challenge. Today I’ll be writing about the rebellion set again. I wrote one last week and it was about a few of the cards in that set. Today am back again with another sneak peak and this time round it will be based on a different set of cards.

Let’s get into it.

So if you were not able to purchase any of the rebellion cards in the pre sale, you’re not totally out of luck, the general sale is up and you can still get your packs. Just that you won’t be getting any promo cards unlike people who bought it in the presale.


The first card I’ll be looking at is the Mar Toren Seeker. The Mar Torren Seeker is a water card with low features. Even for its maxed out card you wouldn’t enjoy using this one in my opinion.

With a mana as low as 4, a range attack of 2, a speed of 3 and health of 3 for its level one card it’s good for the second position in your team. With a health as low as 3 for level one it’s not advisable to use it in the first position as it will get wiped out easily in the game.

As a range attacker it’s highly impossible for it for even attack in the first position unless it’s a Ruleset that allows cards to range cards to attack in the first position, with its dodge ability it’s guaranteed to evade magic attacks even it happens to come into the first position so that your backbone cards can do its job.

In my opinion its speed of 3 is the only good thing about it. With that kind of speed you’re guaranteed that it will make a few attacks before it gets killed and if your first cards are good enough this card will be able to do a lot of wonderful work for you behind the scenes.


The second card I’ll be looking at is the Moxian Rebel. The moxian rebel brings a different feel to the game. With this new card your adjacent units are granted full attack power in battle.

The moxian rebel is a neutral card which means she can be found in all of the units. With this you know you’ll be able to take full advantage of this card considering it’s low mana as well.

With the snipe and camouflage abilities am sure putting it as your last unit will be of a lot of help to you in battle.

With a mana as low as 4 am sure I’d enjoy putting it in my line up with its many advantages.

The only disadvantage I see to this is that it’s low magic attack and shield even at its level 8(maxed) but then the camouflage and dodge takes care of that.


The third card I’ll be looking at is the Redwyrm dragon. As a magic card lover am sure I’ll be loving this card a lot but considering it’s high mana of 9 it’ll be quite difficult to use if the mana of the battle is very low.

The redwyrm dragon is a dragon card with 9 mana, 2 magic, 2 speeds 5 shield ad 7 health for a level 1. Looking at this stats at level one I think it’s a decent stats.

It has the flying ability which means it can evade melee attacks easily, it also has the immunity which makes it a good card to use when the noxious fumes ruleset pops up.

The wonderful thing about this is that after all of this it also has the stun ability which makes it an interesting pick. With this stats you can easily put it in the second position so it can stun your opponents first card making it useless against your own first card.

With a speed of 2 I think it’s the best choice when you have the chance to use it.

This are the few cards I’d be talking about in this post. All the information about this cards aren’t out yet as using them in game will make them to be more appreciated. Let’s see what happens.

Unsourced Images have been taken from splinterlands.com and here

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