splinterlands daily swearfest - day 14 - sneak


starting points 2527 - finishing points 2718 (nice boost for the day)

WOW - got a nice 6 win streak to start the day (up to 2759)- won a couple matches i thought for sure i would lose to higer levels

annnnnndddd then i lose to fucking lower level cards with the fucking yodin summoer w/3 buffs - fucking bullshit

now i'll probably lose the 200 points i just made LOL

here we are at the point i only need 1 match to finish the daily - let the losing streak continue

pissed away 3 in fucking row (all 12 or 15 low mana fucking bullshit garbage matches)

WOW - got lucky and wo nthe last match vs all level 1's

dogshit rewards ... AGAIN !!!!

oh well, there's always tomorrow

I might actually make it to diamond 3 this season !!!

*(this account is for entertainment purposes only - please consult a mental health professional if you consider taking any of this seriously)
