splinterlands daily swearfest - season(65) - day 14 - life quest


starting points 2830 - ending points 2873 (barely moved - could have been better)

trying a couple early rounds - GETTING MY ASS KICKED right fucking back into gold league - FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK !!!!!

win 1 - lose 1 , over and over and over - damn these high level fuckers are tough

well shit , i'm down 7 points from the earlier win 1 lose 1 bullshit and life splinter definitely not my strongest set of cards

annnddddd let the fucking losing streak back into gold league begin

oh motherfucker fucke me - here comes all the massive level 8's - im fooked

GODFUCKINGDAMMIT - now im losing to shitty fucking level 1 cards - well, there's 3 in a row fucking pissed away into the garbage - fuck this bullshit - taking a break

annndddd here we are at the win 1 lose 2 fucking bullshit - going fucking backwards - AGAIN !!!!! so much for a strong season finish

MOTHERFUCKER FUCK FUCKING BULLSHIT - another win 1 lose 1 keep fucking going backwards bullshit match - fucked out of 80 points so far goddamit !@#$!@#$%!!!!!

well turned it around for a decent 4 wins to finish the daily - damn, though i was going all the way back to silver the way i was losing

uggg, 10 garbage cards not worth posting - i got mostly potions , guess if i opne any packs those will come in handy

*(this account is for entertainment purposes only - please consult a mental health professional if you consider taking any of this seriously)
