More is sometimes more /// Viac je niekedy viac


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Today I'd like to show you two player approaches to battleranked when mana is scarce under normal combat rules. Then showed with examples which is the better one from a percentage point of view. Splinterlands there are no guaranteed winning packs of cards, because a different card applies to each card just as a different strategy applies to each strategy, if so you can find strategies that have a higher win ratio than the others

Pekný deň prajem
Dnes by som vám rad ukázal dva hráčske prístupy k battleranked ak je nedostatok many za bežných combat rules. Potom ukázal na príkladoch, ktorý je z percentuálneho hľadiska ten lepší. Splinterlands neexistujú zaručene víťazne packy kariet, pretože na každú kartu platí iná karta tak, ako na každú stratégiu platí iná stratégia, ak tak sa dajú nájsť stratégie, ktoré majú väčšie win ratio ako ostatne.

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The first way is to build a lot of units that will destroy the enemy with their dmg, before being destroyed themselves due to their poor survivability. I often encounter the approach where the enemy builds a weak tank, which is then booted by healers or abilities protect from other cards.. with little mana count this is the wrong approach. It should be dmg oriented.

Prvý spôsob je postaviť veľa jednotiek ktoré sa svojim dmg zničia nepriateľa, skôr ako budú pre svoju slabú survivalitu sami zničene. Stretavám sa často z prístupom kedy nepriateľ postaví slabého tanka, ktorý je potom bootovaný healermy poprípade abilitov protect od iných kariet.. Pri malo počte many je to nesprávny prístup. Treba sa orientovať na dmg.

In this game, the enemy bet on GRUM FLAMEBLADE and his abitibu Bloodlust. This card can be very dangerous. But as a dmg in games where combat rules are equal opportunity. Or Equal snipe, Equal sneak. Theoretically if the enemy was using magic cards then thanks to Void armor it could be used as a tank.

V tejto hre nepriateľ vsadil na GRUM FLAMEBLADE a jeho abitibu Bloodlust. Tato karta vie byt veľmi nebezpečná. Ale ako dmg do hier kde je combat rules Equal opportunity. Alebo Equal snipe, Equal sneak. Teoreticky ak by nepriateľ používal magic karty tak vďaka Void armoru by sa dal použiť ako tank.

A popular way for people to boss themselves into the big leagues is by renting a Llama + Kron combo.
As we can see in the video, you can also use the rebooted DMG here

Obľúbeným spôsobom ako sa ľudia bosstuju do vysej ligy je rentnutim komba Lama + Kron.
Ako môžme vidieť na videu aj tu sa da použiť prebootovaný DMG.

Originally I wanted to show a game where Lama+Kron in my hand defeats the enemy, but even after two hours I didn't get to use this combo in a relevant way... 4 games before my battle ranked energy ran out, I finally played Lama and Kron and it confirmed exactly that idea. More small cards just beats strong cards.

Povodne som chcel ukázať hru kedy Lama+Kron v mojom podaní poráža nepriateľa no ani po dvoch hodinách som sa nedostal k relevantnému použitiu tohto komba.. 4 hry pred minutím mojej battle ranked energie som konečne zahral Lamu a Krona a ono sa potvrdila presne ta idea. Viac malých kariet proste poráža silne karty.

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If there is a splinterlands to every strategy there should be an answer. Let's now look at the exceptions under which circumstances it is good to use one strong card. The first one that comes to mind is the Battle roulette "Are you not Entertained" when Gladius cards can be used. Then I would reach for QUORA TOWERSHEAD

Ak je splinterlands na každý stratégiu by mala byt odpoveď. Poďme sa teraz povenovať vinimkam za akých okolnosti je dobre použiť jednu silnú kartu. Prvé čo ma napadá je Battle rulles "Are you not Entertained" kedy sa môžu používať Gladius karty. Vtedy by som siahol po QUORA TOWERSHEAD


This card is practically designed for destroying small groups of cards. As long as there is a small mana cap you have a great chance of winning.

Tato karta je prakticky určená na ničenie malých skupín kariet. Pokiaľ je malý mana cap mate veľkú šancu na výhru.


The proper use of GRUM FLAMEBLADE in battleranked is under specific circumstances. If the super game of Magic cards and battlerulles is Boom Again virtually every card from the gladius set has a big advantage not excluding QUORA. But under normal circumstances, the abilities boodlust occurs with the aforementioned GRUM FLAMEBLADE

Správne použite GRUM FLAMEBLADE v battleranked je za špecifických okolnosti. Ak super hra Magic karty a battlerulles je Boom Again prakticky každá karta z gladius setu ma veľkú výhodu nevynímajúc QUORA. No za bežných okolností sa abilita boodlust vyskytuje u už spomínaného GRUM FLAMEBLADE

While a large group of cards were not used in the video, I couldn't get anything better for video purposes. And I feel like if OSHANNUS had used more magic cards instead of DJINN thanks to Void armor GRUM FLAMEBLADE would have won it anyway.

Vo videu síce nebola použitá veľká skupina kariet ale nič lepšie sa mi nepodarilo získať na účely videa. A mam pocit že ak by namiesto DJINN OSHANNUS použil viacej magic kariet vďaka Void armor by to GRUM FLAMEBLADE vyhral aj tak.
