HIVE Challenge Day 2- Splinterlands Water Element Strategy!!

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Continuing with my challenge of writing crypto related content daily today I will talk about my favourite blockchain based game that is Splinterlands.
The topic I would like to delve into is Water which is one of it’s most popular elements. In fact water was the first element I started building a strong collection of once I started advancing into Silver league from being struck in Bronze for months.
I am talking about 5 years ago when I started out and the game rules were quite different from what you see now.
That time the main pre-requisite before advancing to higher leagues life Silver, Gold, Diamond was having sufficient Power of your Card collection. Advancing to gold required a big Power requirement which meant a good amount of Legendaries and Gold Foils.

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Water was the 1st Element I Built Up for Gold League!
If you have played a bit of Splinterlands you would already be familiar that how well you can compete in any league is determined by what level of Summoners you have. That is why Summoners are generally much more expensive than other cards and it costs a bit to level them up.
As a rough calculation you should have a RARE Summoner at Level 6 to be well positioned in Gold League and Level 8 for Diamond League. This calculation becomes Level 3 and Level 4 respectively in case of Legendary Summoners.

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I started of making small investments and tried as much to build my collection from the cards I got from rewards or purchase from my earnings. Which meant without putting in a lot of funds I could not build up my portfolio at one go. I went slowly element by element and Water was the first element I ramped up.
I could clearly see that Dragon was more powerful than other elements but it was also much more expensive so initially I did not collect too many Dragon cards or summoners.
Water looked like a more Value for Money kind of option and I could see my win rate improve whenever Water element was allowed in the fight conditions.

What Makes Water Unique?
Splinterlands likes building a story around all the monsters and characters that you play with which they call as Lore. Similarly you will notice a clear patter around the different Elements there are. It will be clearly visible that Fire element typically contains Big bulky red monsters with high Melee attack and slow speed. Dragons going literally by the name will be full of Dragons or dragon-like characters with high magic attack and high speed.
Water in my view has the most beautifully designed characters in different shades of Blue and White. There will be a mix of charterers with Mermaid, Merman, Fish, Octopus, Squid, Sea Monster kind of appearance. Water on average has much higher speed than other elements and having a Summoner like Kelya Frendul makes the speed even higher.

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Water Strategy!
Water is an element which I have memorised to an extent that if I see the Mana count allowed in the battle I would already know which cards will be best suited as a combination and then I will fine tune the approach depending on what restrictions are there. Only scenario where I don’t go with Water element is the “Reverse Speed” battle condition when having high speed monsters becomes a disadvantage.
Water has a great combination of low mana count as well as high mana count monsters or maybe I am a bit biased as I have been playing with Water for so long.
I will probably write separate posts on what is my battle strategy using Water element for low mana and high mana battles.
Currently I have a good collection in Untamed and Chaos but have not been able to build up my Rebellion collection as I am running low on liquidity.
Hope there is some nice unexpected airdrop soon so I get a chance to pick up some bargain offers on Rebellion cards.

If you would like to enter the magical realm of Splinterlands you can get started here-



When I started playing Splinterlands Chaos Legion was the recent set. I also enjoyed playing the water splinter with Kelya and still do. I will miss those cards, as soon as Chaos Legion rotates out of Modern.


When I started playing Untamed was a new set :) Chaos moving to Modern will be an issue for me also as most of my maxxed cards are from Chaos and I have very few cards from Rebellion.


Same here, but I am buying some key Rebellion cards right now.


Me too, with whatever little funds I am able to scrape around :)


The WATER deck is my third favorite deck, I think it is one of the most complete decks out there.


I can guess Dragon must surely be in the top 2, which is the other one?


EARTH is first place and DEATH/LIFE, second place, a few years ago DEATH was my favorite deck.
