RE: Two Investments, One Platform


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'Play to earn' tag getting huge in demand and it is the future of gaming .Those fliping the burger ,can still join the money boat. I have seen many of my friends invest atleast 10% of their salary into splinterland. These 10% will not make you passive earner so quickly but certainly after few years you will quit flipping burger and become financially free as earning will be generating online.
For me, My son has piggy bank and he invest his penny every month into his splinterland account for buying cheaper cards. One day those cards will be rare and surely it add value for holding.
This is one of more informative post i can share to my other friend who still think online gaming is matter of wasting your time and energy.


I hope that in the future, a lot of people recognize that unless they have the potential to earn on their value generative activities, they will look for the places they can. For too long, activity has been given for "free" with no more return than a place to work.
