RE: June 5 Town Hall Takeaways

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Bi-weekly townhall makes a lot of sense. For a company like Splinterlands, it's definitely a big task of addressing stakeholders on a weekly basis. Private companies usually only do that around quarterly in line with the submission of financial reports. It's good to hear that there will still be something to look forward to on a weekly basis, not just mainly a townhall but probably more interactive sessions from players as well.

Zyriel on its own didn't fly as expected. Mainly due to its pricing and probably from market timing as well. With a bearish market and some player/investor fatigue, who would want to spend so so much? Since it's supposedly a quarterly promo release, I hope priority would be for more affordable options. I think Arkemis and Vruz were great releases.


Agree, bro!

biweekly would make more sense especially if there aren't any updates on the past week. Rehashing info will just be redundant. Slotting in something else like the open mic would probably be a lot better for viewers, too.

For Zyriel, the price point is too high which is why less people got it and if you include other things going on like the great burning then even lesser people would be keen. Alternating a cheap option with a premium one is a good idea. Arkemis and Vruz were good additions.
