My Thoughts on the Rebellion Sneak Peak Cards from a Bronze Perspetive



New Cards Released

There was an interesting sneak peek post by splinterlands the other day. It contained the artwork and stats of six new cards, four monsters and two summoners. Have to read in the post I thought I'd share my initial thoughts on how I rank these cards for my potential future use in the bronze League.

I'll break these down into two categories, monsters and then summoners. Can't really crossbreed to two in my mind. I am fully intend to have a complete collection either way but I'll rank these from favorite to least favorite in terms of monsters, and I'll leave the summoners unranked because the complexities and the change coming to the game is hard for me to wrap my head around
Sneak Peak Post

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Anasth Soothsayer


After my initial thoughts I think this will probably be one of my favorite cards. While it's mana cost is high at 6:00, it has some tremendous benefits at bronze level. I should be able to get this to be a level two which will give me both cleanse and healing. While it does have a one magic attack, this would be the same as if I used a two card combo of existing cards. At level two it seems to have a bit of a wonky stat change where you actually lose one health without gaining a speed or an attack. But you do gain healing. As I think about this card I think it'll be great when he matches poisons involved, or where I can stack multiple healers on a front tank and really make sure that card is not knocked out.

Infernal Firestorm


I think the fire-based card for internal Firestorm is probably my second favorite card at bronze level. It has a really nice mix of stats of two magic damage, 3 speed 5 armor and 10 health. While it's true that fire does not have a tank healer yet, if it gets one this will be a tremendous asset, and even if not it's a great card to have as I feel that magic is getting a bit of a boost in the fire splinter and making it a bit more playable in some scenarios. I love the high armor and health it'll really help make it stick around. Having the flank ability is also great because it can turn a non-traditional melee attacking card into second position. Just thinking if you have this in first position, with something like grum in second position with the reachability you might really get it stats going through bloodlust.

Chaos Animator


I think chaos animator might be a great card for the death splinter. Well not a traditional powerhouse and it's not attacking, it level two it does have a little bit armor and health but it also has amplify. If you can combine this with the Cursed Windeku in lower mana matches it might really have a significant boost giving three Thorn damage versus just two. Also wouldn't be bad if you can combine it with the dragon splinter and then pick death and add it with other Thorn cards. I unfortunately do not have Owster Rotwell, but that would be another amazing combination. Not sure when dice is going to cycle out of modern, but if you can play both then it would be a really good combination

Gobalano Soldier


I only put this card last because I feel like I have not been playing a lot of sneak attack lineups. And while it's clearly an excellent card to use in melee heavy and sneak likely matches I just don't find myself playing many of those. In those lineups it will really shine as I believe it has the ambush and that leads to very interesting opportunities. I think it would be much better once it reaches level 5 and has shatter so you could eliminate the rear tank Shield or armor before the round starts to allow your sneak attack team to penetrate. Either way it might be great because if you get a melee boost and it gets essentially a double tack in the first round with other sneaker cards it could add up. Let me look back at this ranking in 6 months after the release and completely revamped the order.

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I'm having my hard time wrapping my head around being able to play both water and death at the same time. Clearly there are some amazing opportunities to combine these two, although losing the seminar buff or debuff in bronze could be devastating. Not getting the speed, armor, or magic reduction could potentially be a struggle. If you're allowed to play this during the silenced summoners games then it could still be really good as you're able to pick the best cards out of both lineups and get them in there. It also just allows more cards as options and some of the more restrictive rule sets. Can't wait to try this one out and see what combinations I can come up with, or what combinations I get destroyed by.

Prophet Rosa


This card might be overpowered at first look. Having the ability to add plus two range attack to the water splinter could really be impressive. If I take a look at brawls, I could have Edith Emberstar start the match doing 7 damage, or Tatiana Blayde at 3 melee.4 range.

In brawl matches giving a boost to something like swamp spitter or kulu swim Hunter or sea stalker, that's not even bringing in neutrals like supply runner or gargoya devil. These are some pretty impressive stat boosts that will really be fun to play around with. I don't see how adding Shield to one monster would be great in most cases, although I suppose if you added it to Djinn Oshannus it would make it even more difficult to knock out given that it already has void.

I like the idea of also assigning these abilities to the enemy's team, in certain rulesets like fire and regret you could add the attack to not attacking monsters to help eliminate them from the back row and remove their healing or armor repairabilities.

Overall these new cards are pretty exciting and I can't wait to get the full release. Like most it will be a massive change to how the games are played and it will be a struggle to get the cards I want quick enough to feel like I'm competitive.




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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

