Splinterlands Highlights - Featuring Coastal Sentry mauls my enemeies with Stampede and Melee Mayhem


Featuring Bronze League Summoner and Monsters in Action!

I'm back today to highlight another battle that I've recently had. I save this one off as a great example of what happens when you have the trifecta of a rule set and a card ability. This will be a pretty amazing display of knockout power and a running chain demolition of my opponents team. You would think that eventually had run to steam but in this case I was amazed to see how far it went.

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Weekly Highlight - Coastal Sentry




Trample will be able to retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling monster keeps killing other monsters.

Melee Mayhem

Melee monsters can attack from any position.

Edition: REWARD
Rarity: COMMON
Element: WATER
Attack: MELEE
Health: 6
Speed: 4
Attack: 3
Armor: 2

The Matchup - Where Rules Sets, Splinters and Mana Collide

The Rule Sets


Watch the Match Here


MANA: 39

Ruleset: Melee Mayhem: Melee monsters can attack from any position.

Ruleset: Stampede: Trample will be able to retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling monster keeps killing other monsters.

SPLINTERS: Fire, Water, Life, Dragon

Initial Rule Set and Mana Gameplay Thoughts

** Rulesets
There's a lot to like about these rule sets. Melee mayhem gives any monster the ability to attack from any position. The stampede rule set while traditionally not as impactful in the bronze level, gets a significant boost by the legendary water summoner Possibilus. Since this summer gives each monster trample, stampede becomes a powerful combination.

  • Mana
    I love Matthew that have a significant manner, and 39 allows you to do just about whatever you want. Granted I'm losing six to my seminar but I should still be able to stack plenty of great monsters on my team to go for the win
    ** Splinters

No real loss in my opinion when losing earth, but I think losing death might be a bit more troublesome. There's some great cards in death that can really help your team win, they have some high damage melee cards with fast speed as well as armor combinations with Shield that are powerful

    Since stampede allows every monster with trample to trample for forever, that might as well take the seminar that gives every card the trample ability

  • First Position DIEMONSHARK
    Not too much of a surprise for this lineup. I'm trying to play some high-speed cards that have both health and armor to help both attack and ward off my enemies attacks

  • Second Position DEMENTED SHARK
    But help the feeling the enemy will be playing demoralize, and I need to get the inspire boost back to at least get home with my melee attacks. Between the ruleset and the seminar added abilities it can now attack from anywhere.

  • Third Position COASTAL SENTRY
    It's a great card, a double tap trampoline reach card that does three native damage is pretty powerful. If you can get on a roll then the trample / double strike combination can really help get through your enemies lineup

  • Fourth Position DISINTEGRATOR
    Since this game is so merely focused I figured I should add a demoralize in here as a way to hope neutralize an offset my opponents

  • Fifth Position BATTERING RAM
    How about the only positive thing here is that it could do two damage after a boost, and has high speed but more than likely it won't play much of a role

  • Sixth Position TORRENT FIEND
    Back here just in case my opponent plays heavy sneak attacks

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Opponent Lineup & Match Play

  • Summoner GENERAL SLOAN
    Pretty common play here from my opponent. This is the seminar that is currently in chaos legion packs and while it cost one more mana, it might be the only one they have and not a terrible choice.
    Very similar to my play they want to help offset my melee attacks by one.
    I love playing this card, but hate it when I played against me. Losing speed it never helps me accomplish anything other than getting beat and trying to heal my team.
    Not really sure why they picked the goblin Chariot as it wouldn't be my first choice to given the manna and it seems a bit odd here. Maybe they're trying to use the additional arrow boost and hit harder
    The sister card to Coastal century but in the arrow form. Double strike card that deals out a lot of damage and can get through a lot of armor and health quickly.
    It appears they went full range attack for the boost of general Sloan although it's not the direction I would have done.

Great card with taunt. We'll take a while for me to do enough damage to knock this card out.

Round 1


Has around one starts off I don't have a great feeling of who is going to win. While I certainly like my team and have a lot of heavy hitters, there are plenty of times where I feel like I can still end up losing.

Is the wrong place out, speed is I was a factor and I have been set back in my speed from their time mage. Once it's my turn and make it to attack, unfortunately my attacks are all targeted towards shieldbear due to taunt and I don't get anything rolling on disintegrator. Secondly I end around without getting a knockout or having one of my cards knocked out.

Round 2


Well neither of us lost cards, we certainly lost a significant amount of health and armor. As things progressed in this round people are going to boost cards and pretty quickly. As the round starts I quickly lose my demon shark, the good news for me is this now brings Coastal century up to 2nd and the melee mayhem is overridden by reach which means it will attack first position. In doing so it knocks out disintegrator and triggers trample.

Next up is time mage, which only has three health so it too is not doubt triggering another trample. Followed by government Chariot of three health which is not out and triggers a trample, followed by pellicore arboist of three health which is also knocked out and retriggering trample. Next up is Tower Griffin, you guessed it three health. It's a knockout and it re-triggers for another attack on Shield bear drop in itself to three. We went from both having six cards on the deck to play, to my opponent only having one with little to no health and I still have five cards in play. The crazy play that you just witnessed is a full compliment to the combination of stampede and low health cards.

Thoughts - and Chances to Win Again


Looks like I'm a 100% guaranteed victory every time this set is run. The big takeaway from this is that if you're going to play a lowman cards you must also add some sort of armor to them so that they're not taken out on a single attack, especially one that might have trampled. Adding a simple armor here could have saved all those cars for another round to see who could come out on top


