Shauner's PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Brawl Report - October 27, 2021



Welcome to my 11th #BrawlReport as part of the PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish guild! Exciting things are happening in PIZZA land and we have now launched a third guild due to the incredible demand from players to join the PIZZA party! If you're wanting to be active in the PIZZA token project and join one of our Splinterlands Guilds, come join us on Discord and say hi!

I entered Fray #3 for this brawl, which is a novice fray, but only allows Untamed edition cards to be used for battle. This is a "step-down" from my last fray where Bronze-level caps were in play. As you'll soon find out, moving down did not make things any easier for me!

I faced 9 opponents in Fray #3 this time and my record was 5W-4L which put me in 4th place for our Guild.


Congrats to @onewolfe for winning the most battles with 6 wins! The best win percentage goes to @hykss with a 71% win rate.

PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Results


We finished in 6th place, falling several ranks in this brawl. We went up against some very competitive guilds in this brawl and our performance suffered a bit because of that. Our Barracks is still not upgraded high enough to use the new Gladius cards so that's another disadvantage we seem to be facing more and more lately. That Bloodlust ability is wicked. We had a total of 33 wins and 48 losses which earned us 99 points. We also earned 8 crowns and 369 merits for our 6th place finish.

My Battles


Battle 1 - Loss

Taking Sides: Neutral monsters may not be used in battles.

I didn't have many good cards for this battle and it showed. My opponent knocked down my Snipe range attack by one and that limited my ability to attack their back wall more effectively. The 12 health Gorlodon was a card I haven't seen before and it withstood my attacks quite well, and also had a +3 melee attack too.


Watch this battle.

Battle 2 - Win

Opponent Fled.

Battle 3 - Loss

Back to Basics: Monsters lose all abilities.

While I had the Llama/Kron combo available for this, I decided to utilize a summoner that would give all my cards an ability, the blast ability.

Unfortunately, the high attack level of my opponent's monsters just destroyed me


Watch this battle.

Battle 4 - Win

Opponent Fled.

Battle 5 - Loss

Aim True: Melee and ranged attacks always hit their target.
Odd Ones Out: Only monsters with odd mana costs may be used in battle.

As soon as I saw the summoner that I was up against, I knew I was likely going to lose this one. By getting +2 speed and health regeneration, my +1 shield summoner just wasn't going to cut it. I may need to start renting a wider array of cards for these Untamed frays.


Watch this battle.

Battle 6 - Win

Equal Opportunity: All monsters have the Opportunity ability.
Stampede: The Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled monster is killed.

The opportunity ability can be even more powerful when combined with the blast ability, so that's exactly what I did here. My summoner brought in +1 range and health and the blast ability. This allowed my monsters to potentially damage three of my opponent's on each attack. This quickly destroyed the middle of their ranks.


Watch this battle.

Battle 7 - Win

Equal Opportunity: All monsters have the Opportunity ability.
Heavy Hitters: All monsters have the Knock Out ability.

This was a back-to-back Equal Opportunity battle and I used the same strategy as Battle 6. I used the blast ability to destroy my opponent from the middle. This opponent's defenses were a little better than the last one, but ultimately I was able to clean the deck.


Watch this battle.

Battle 8 - Win

Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

I was unsure about only putting up two monsters in this battle, but I felt the combination of a tank with the shield buff to reduce damage from melee and range attacks, and the retaliate buff on the War Chaang would take care of eliminating my opponent quickly. Additionally, I am using a summoner with the blast ability again to further enhance the spread of their damage.


Watch this battle.

Battle 9 - Loss

Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Little League: Only monsters and summoners that cost 4 mana or less may be used in battles.

I think this is the first time I've ever had 9 opponents in a fray, which I believe is the most that are possible. This one was especially challenging because of the limit to monsters with 4 mana or less. I just didn't have a whole lot of great options here. Thankfully, my summoner knocked down the range attack of one of their monsters but it wasn't enough.


Watch this battle.

Final Thoughts

We were up against a couple of Top 100 guilds in this brawl and it showed. Thankfully, two of my opponents suffered from a You Fled loss so I was able to pick up two wins that way.

This was also the first time I was confronted with my opponent being able to block a card from being used. In this case, they banished my Kron from being used in this battle. It wouldn't have mattered because the rules of combat for this eliminated all monster abilities so I probably wouldn't have played Kron.


I can see how this Level 3 Barracks tactic can be especially helpful in brawls. If we don't start increasing our Barracks level, I think we will be in for some very challenging opponents who have managed to upgrade. Between the Bloodlust Gladius cards and card banishing, a Level 1 Barracks guild will have a very hard time competing against a level 2 or 3 guild.

1Up Project

If you haven't seen the news yet, check out the new 1UP project. This looks like a great new gaming project for Play2Earn blockchain games like Splinterlands! I seem to be getting more than 100 OneUp tokens on each of these posts, so the earnings will add up over time!

I keep staking my OneUp tokens and am loving all the rewards coming my way by using the #OneUp tag and writing about Splinterlands. The OneUp token is currently trading for almost 4 cents USD too!

What is the #BrawlReport?

@kennysgaminglife has spearheaded the #BrawlReport project as a way to get PIZZA guild members more engaged in the @Splinterlands community. Here's what he had to say:

Starting with the brawl that just ended, I've invited/asked members of the #HivePizza guild to publish a #BrawlReport, breaking down their highs & lows, where they need help, questions they have, strategies they love, and so on. The idea is to help us all reflect a bit, learn a bit, share a bit, earn a bit, and connect a bit :-)
Any other guilds interested in publishing a #BrawlReport, either as individuals, or one for the whole guild, I'm happy to send some curation love your way!

My last BrawlReport:

Check out the other recent #BrawlReport posts from the #HIVEPIZZA family:

@rayius - Brawl Report #9 - Captain Katie


Nice Brawl Report. Hopefully we can climb higher back into the rankings with the next brawl. !PIZZA


Yeah this was a tough one. Hopefully we get a more equal matchup next time! !PIZZA
