Social media challenge - An Interesting battle experience using the born again rule


Hello gamers, I hope we're all doing great and I also want to believe we're are all enjoying our splinterlands because as for me I can't say how much I'm enjoying the game, I've been learning new things each and everyday in the game, it's do interesting. Just this week I experience two new things, the first is playing a game of 90 Mana cap and the second is game with the born again rule.
Seeing ninety Mana cap I was so surprised, because it's the first time I'll be seeing a very high Mana cap as high as that, I was already thinking I'll talk about that game because it was an interesting match and I also won the battle but I just think of playing more when I got to see a very different rule again that says born again rule, I was curious to know how it works, I got to know about it when I started the game, it made the game more interesting and longer than expected.

So I'll be talking about the game with the born again rule, all monsters have the rebirth ability, the Mana cap given was 50. With this Mana cap I was able to select my preferred choice of monsters.
I used one of my favorite summoner, kelya frendul. And my monsters, I placed Ulundin overseer in the first position, Nimbledook ranger in the second position, Diemonshark in the third position, Deeplurker in the fourth position, Merdaali Guardian in the fifth position as finally flying sound in the seventh. Funny enough my opponent also used the same Ulundin overseer in the first position but one team was stronger than the other I guess.
So as the battle started, I discovered that when a unit dies, it will self resurrect with one (1) health once per battle. My opponent killed my monsters first and I saw this happen, it was strange to me as I was seeing it for the first time, but then it's very interesting, I learned something new.

Battle link

In round 21, while my opponent was left with two monsters with more health I was still left with four monsters with good health, with this I have the assurance that I'll win the battle.



At this round, I also discovered another strange thing that I've not experienced before, I discovered that fatigue set in three times, this made the monsters to have reduction of health by one. During the first one, my front man got killed because it was left with only one health. another one set in at round 22 and 23 respectively, the one that happened at 23 put an end to the battle because at this point, my monster was left with only one health left.
I think this particular battle happens to be the battle I've played which had the longest of rounds. It was a tough one but I won at last, even though in the beginning of the match I wasn't expecting the win because my opponent was having upper hand but as the game proceeds, I could see that I have possibility of winning the match, at this point I also learnt that it's not good to lose hope in something, believe it will work and so it will.

