Hive Projects: EasyDefi and No Loss Lottery status reports.



When users build projects on Hive we all win!

  • It’s Tuesday in my part of the world, and winter is giving way to spring. The rainy season is ending and more sunshine filled days are ahead.
  • Bitcoin is crashing and there is much volatility. Yet even this is a time for celebration as lows are a buying opportunity.
  • I have two projects on Hive, and I am writing thus status report, to showcase what I have built and perhaps encourage someone else to build something here on Hive too.
  • Thank you to all the developers here on Hive.
  • Hive is their gift to us. Now what we build on it, is our gift to them.
  • I think of this every time someone says Hive has fast, free, transactions. Those words mean very little to us raised on Steem and Hive.
  • For us, transactions have always been fast, and free.
  • But for the Ethereum world and everyone who interacts with it, this is not true, and people have tokens and NFTs they cannot sell because the gas fees exceed any profits to be derived.
  • Yet builders and project users there deal with that reality every day.
  • On Hive we are really lucky, blessed and enjoying the fruits of the labors of those who built this platform.

Two Projects: No Loss Lottery and EasyDeFi


First: No Loss Lottery Week 25!

A brief summary of this project would be:
  • The No Loss Lottery is a Savings account, which gives you the chance to win large prizes every Sunday.
  • Tickets cost 1 Leo, a tribe token on Hive-Engine, the side chain of Hive.
  • I keep a ledger with a number assigned to each ticket.
  • A random number generator is used to pick five numbers between 2 and 4610.
  • ‘It’s smart like a savings account, and fun like a lottery ticket.
This week’s achievements include:
  • I awarded 121 Leo in prizes.
    Five Prizes total, the 1st was 50 Leo, the 2nd and 3rd were 25 Leo, and 4th prize was 21 Leo.
Future Plans include:

This project will one day be:

  • Automated Lottery Project
  • One day be run by a DAO!
  • IDO on Cubfinance.


Second, Easy DeFi Week 34!

A brief summary of this project would be:

Easydefi changes a 10 step process to invest in DeFi from Hive into a two step process.

  • You send me Leo or Cub via @easydefi wallet as a public ledger of your☺️ deposit.
  • I invest it in decentralized finance staking and farming site Cubfinance.
  • I send you your wallet rewards every Sunday.


  • EasyDeFi makes this a two step process; you send your capitol (minimum 50 Hive or 100 Leo) to the @easydefi wallet, and the @easydefi wallet sends your earnings to your wallet on Leofinance every week.
This weeks achievements include:
  • Reaching my goal of 26,000 Leo in the Easy DeFi pooled investment pool!

  • Promotions of Splinterlands Cards to new investors

  • Received news that the PloyCub airdrop snapshot was imminent

Group B


  • I started a SPS-BNB investment pool for Splinterlands players called Group B!
  • Send your SPS tokens to @shortsegments
Future Plans
  • I look forward to announcing our project hitting 30,000 Leo in TVL next week.
  • I look forward to more growth as word of mouth spreads news of our program, and look forward to more big news about Leo Mobile, Polygon Cub and Project Blank featuring Leofinance Micro-blogging.

Learn more.

Learn more about @easydefi here
Learn more about the No Loss Lottery here
Penned by my hand on the 25th of January, the year 2022 @shortsegments.


About @shortsegments

Content creator and project builder

@shortsegments writes about #cryptocurrency, the #blockchain, #non-fungible digital tokens or #NFTs, and #decentralized finance He has been posting on this platform for over four years.


He is a Hive Original, as he has been a Hive community member since the birth of Hive as a hardfork from Steemit. Hive was born like lava is born to a volcano, during a time of great pressure and great heat.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Very nice, from income to staking and perhaps your next move will be project owned liquidity.
Evovle @shortsegments! you stunt your own growth with inaction.
I know you possess the ideas to evolve.
Stop being afraid to change and grow.
The future is not with inflationary tokenomics, it's with project owned liquidity and guaranteed TVL with eventually TVL backed tokens.
The future belongs to the bold.
Ask @khaleelkazi

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hi @shortsegments

I am going to give you some tough love.
Put on your big boy pants.

I really like this post because your literally building projects on Hive and Leofinance to help others profit from the opportunities on Hive and Leofinance.
But why doesn't anyone talk about what you are doing?
You need to leave here and go somewhere people care about what you do.

I am also tired of waiting for you to evolve your project to something better.
You know that inflationary tokenomics are dinosaurs of the first age of DeFi and that POL and it's descendents are the future.

Why so timid?
I read your posts, I see through you!
Just do it!

You know what it will take to stabilize your project against the whims of the market!
Create your token, finance your POL through the token sales, have controlled buy back periods for investors, show them their liquidity growth and token value!

This is the perfect time to invest in Cub! Its cheap!

You will either make a fortune or go broke if Cubfinance fail.
But going broke is better then the pitiful place you are now.

No one respects mediocrity!
Your project is great and all, and your right DeFi as a service is the way to mass adoption.
But it will not occur here.
This pond is to small and there is no fiat onramp here to provide the customers you need.
You will die in obscurity here.
You need to leave.

Look at @khaleelkazi
He reached out to Ethereum
He knew his ideas would die here.
You are already dying.
Your projects have plateaued
And you have resorted to promotions like Spolinterlands cards to lure people.
It shouldn't be this way.
You provide more then twice the APR of Splinterlands!
they should be beating down your door, but they aren't ...

You need to face facts that they are not coming!
You will never make it here.
This place can't see you.
They don't see you.
You are not invisible, but you are so out of focus that you are almost invisible.

I am sorry if I sound harsh.
But it's the truth.
Why did @aggroed reach beyond Steem?
Why did @khaleelkazi reach beyond Hive?

The people here won't see you, they don't see you, your ideas will die here.
You are nobody here.
I am sorry, but your just another Dolphin on Hive in a sea of Dolphins.
Your ideas are already dying here.
You need to reach beyond this place and bring customers here to your projects.

I see you.
I hope you hear me.
I hope you see my appreciation for your ideas, your creativity and my attempts to encourage you to be more then what you are here.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hi @defigeek

Thank you for your comment.

I will take from it the good that you intended.

I will disagree with you that I am under appreciated on the platform. I think my support reflects my level of appreciation here and I am grateful for the support I receive.
I feel like I am blessed with consistent support from some and episodic support from others, and truly that's all I can hope for on a platform with such diverse interests as Hive. And considering how difficult it is to read everyone here whose posts have value, I am fortunate indeed.

As for reaching beyond Hive to achieve more support or success as you put it. I am considering this and I do agree that @aggroed and @khaleelkazi are good examples of growing your community and project by reaching out to larger communities. I see how they were smart to reach out and tap into those other places to bring success both to their projects and increase the size of the Hive Community.

I am flattered by your certainty in my ultimate success. Thank you.
I must admit my writing is my way of learning about the topics I write about, so if I write about it, it doesn't mean I have mastered it. In fact I sometimes write about the same topic again a few months later as it might take that long until I revisit the topic and then I may truly understand it and put that new understanding down in words. So this may be one reason I seem slow to action to you.

However, your zealous support and faith in my abilities is in itself encouraging and appreciated.

Thank you, and I wish you continued success on Hive and Leofinance.

