Splinterlands - Battle Library Eleven - Got to have all the Health!

As originally published on Publish0x


Odd combinations of rulesets lead to making up teams with odd compositions.

First things first, feel free to just go to their website directly but if Splinterlands interests you I'd be very happy if you joined up with my referral link:


In Battle Library Eleven is an odd battle with limited splinters, and an odd combination of rules to work with


The rules that applied to this battle were:

  • Mana cap of 46 - A large cap to work with so lots of big cards can be played;

  • Fire, Water, Life and Death splinters only;

  • Back to basics - all monsters lose their abilities;

  • Earthquake - two damage per turn to non-flying monsters;

This is a very interesting ruleset - Earthquake is usually countered with Flying monsters/Brighton Bloom but due to the back to basics ruleset and no dragon splinter that is out of the question. So what sort of strategies might work here - overwhelming power (i.e Alric plus Magic) might work if you can kill the opposition fast or alternatively lots and lots of life to absorb the enemies attacks AND earthquake. Looking at the options I decided that lots of life would be the most flexible and then the choice was reduce magic (Bortus), ranged (Contessa), or melee (Zintar). I guessed with Bortus as Alric was probably the best way to do lots of damage fast and then I had to hope the opposition didn't go with massive melee damage (Fire).

Battle library 11 2021 11 25.png

And so my team was:

Summoner - Bortus (3) - For the minus one magic to the oppostition;

Torhilo (9) - for the armor and life;

Sea Monster (8) - for the life;

Djinn Oshannus (8) - for the two magic attack and more importantly 10 life;

Prismatic Energy (8) - a small ranged attack is handy but the tank heal ability will keep the first three tanks alive for a shot or two!

Gelatinous Cube (6) - For the life (usually it'd be for scavenge but thats out!)

Medusa (4) - for some small magic attack to fill out the team.

This team used the whole cap of 46 and would, depending on enemy attacks, survive up to five turns of poison damage. Hopefully the opposition wouldn't last as long.

So what did the opponent go with? Melee or magic - yup - it was an Alric Magic team.

Summoner - Alric (3) - For the plus one to magic attack of course;

Sea Monster (8) - for the life and melee attack;

Sandworm (9) - for the big melee attack;

Djinn Oshannus (8) - For the life and the magic attack of course;

Tortosian Chief (5) - More magic attack;

Sea Genie (6) - Even more magic attack;

Axe Master (7) - Strong ranged attack;

A powerful magic combination and with Djinn Oshannus can last (depending on damage taken) up to five turns of poison damage. On the plus side I've chosen Bortus which will counteract his Alric so that will mitigate a lot of the damage potential! Will my teams health hold up against his magic damage?

Lets see:

Turn One - For his team, his Djinn, Tortosian Chief, and Genie all magic attack life off Torhilo while his Axe Master and Sandworm take out Torhilo's armor. For my team, the Djinn, Prismatic Energy, Medusa and Torhilo combine their attacks to kill the Sea Monster (which allowed the Sandworm to attack Torhilo). Sandworm is now his tank with five life and Torhilo is hanging in there with three life.

Turn Two - Earthquake! All monsters take two damage leaving his tank, Sandworm with three life and my tank, Torhilo with one life. The battle is fairly even still. For his team, Djinn kills Torhilo, Axemaster, Tortosian Chief and Genie all hit Sea Monster. For my team, Djinn and Prismatic energy kill the sandworm and the Medusa takes a shot at the Djinn - Sea Monster misses the Djinn due to it's speed and the turn ends with my tank, Sea Monster on one life and his tank, Djinn on seven life.

Turn Three - Earthquake! All monsters take two damage and his team loses the Genie. My team loses the Sea Monster and the Medusa. The battle is still in the balance with my Djinn tanking on six life and his Djinn tanking on five life. His Djinn, Axe Master and Tortosian Chief all hit my Djinn taking him down to one life. My Djinn and Prismatic Energy hit his Djinn reducing him to two life. At this point the match is over as his Djinn, Axe Master and Tortosian Chief will all die to Earthquake whereas my Prismatic Energy and Gelatinous Cube will survive!

Turn Four - Earthquake! Battle won! In hindsight I could have replaced the Gelatinous Cube with another attacker who may have died but might have made the battle slightly easier. In the end more life was the winner of the day!

All in all a good match and interesting ruleset to play under!

Hope you enjoyed the battle and if you found it interesting and are not into Splinterlands yet give it a go:


and if you're interested other programmes I use are:






Faucets and Mining





https://cryptominer.finance?ref=0xEcD2d4BEd7eFC7Ad63a7448FaED35db7E5CeF996 (Hex, Cake, Tron)





Have fun and keep on battling!
