RE: Splinterlands 101 - Ep 65: Land, Cards and Resources


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!LOL Back to bots, first thing. I totally agree with @mattclarke on this one. In the early days the only people who were botting were those who could write the code themselves or find someone for hire, and pay for the work and maintenance, neither of which is particularly player friendly.

Now botting has become an economy in and of itself, and I think that epitomizes what Splinterlands and Hive are supposed to be in favor of, anyway. A level playing field for anyone to bring what they have to compete for as big of a piece of pie as they can honestly earn. Banning, frankly, shits all over that.

Lol, sorry to cut you off at 5:54, @bobaphet but you seem like you're about to pass by a complaint I'd like to interject into the discussion. @giotrix mentioned it in the episode before last I believe, but it warrants mentioning, here, too. I paid to max out cards because I want to play max level battles. having to start in a ranking that caps my levels frustrates me. I appreciate having to earn my way back each season conceptually, but in practice it's annoying to not be able to get the full power of my cards for most of the season. Bots allow me to play more on my own terms. They can do the tedious work of getting me back into higher leagues, then I can take over when I feel like it, or not, without the frustrations of having to scratch and claw my way back to where I was before I can scratch and claw to move forward.

Moving on, around 11 minutes when @mattclarke is talking about watching every battle... I haven't really thought of it in the terms of "showing your work", but that makes a lot of sense. Lately, unless I'm playing manually and watching in real time, I've only been watching battles won by the bot... so I know who to $KOG, for one thing, but also, it's just a nice way to spend a few minutes. I'm going to have to rethink that and maybe actually "study" a bit more.

@bobaphet I've had similar experiences with knowing something without knowing how I know it, and my experience makes me think it was something of a matter of being able to imagine the out come but not work through it... like I had solved the problem creatively, but logically I still didn't quite grasp it. Once I learned the logical path, the creative just sort of gave way from then on out, since for problem solving logic is a more reliable tool than imagination, in the modern world at least. Also, I might have just rambled a lot of bullshit, so you guys watch your step as you navigate that last part.

OMG! Are you not entertained?! It's a trap! A MOTHER FUCKING TRAP!! You can't not use fucking Quora if fucking Quora is an option! Goddamn it, my ranking is fucked for the next 2 seasons until I get gladiators out of my system.

But you did bring up a good point. If soul bound reward cards will be eligible for conversion to fungible, why wouldn't Gladiator cards enjoy the same benefit?

Totally agree with @giotrix about the martyr ability. Just because it's death is a benefit doesn't mean you gotta cash it out right up front. Particularly with the fungus flinger, which gives blind until it dies to grant that +1. Sacrifice seems to work best for the weaken/redemption builds.

LMAO!! First battle! I was betting on @giotrix. I thought armor would give him enough protection for all his magic to take out @mattclarke 's front row, but I wasn't sure if he'd be able to hold out long enough for bonesmith to leech enough life to hold the first position. Poison and stun really made the difference, though.

I also thought Bob was gonna take the gio match for a second, too. It didn't last long, though, but for one shining moment it looked possible.

Can't stop !LOL 'ing at Matt "Two Losses"! Swing by the glory hole and we'll gripe about Dr.Blight not poisoning with you. Son of a bitch he is.

Later guys. I'm out. NINJA SMOKE TELEPORT... silent mystery... fade to black.


Thanks again for your witty insight Bruh!
I have been converted re the martyr pov 😎
might have to adjust my strategy moving forward 🤓


!LOL I'm not your bruh, bra!😁


I'm not your bra, bro!


I'm not your bro, bruh!


Is the janky Canadian one buddy, friend, pal? It's been years since I've seen that episode


OMG where is this comment... lol... i'm reading this on PEAKed and i went over to my normal HIVE reading spot and you are gone! your ninja has worked and i have to comment here.

I loved the chats about bots... I have one because i love collecting cards. i love collecting DEC. I love spending FIAT in the game.. you know what i don't ... picking teams... gives me the "girly collywobbles" and im like "OMG what if i loose..." lol
Brawl days are horrid (as i actually play them with no help.) granted i have a GREAT win ratio. but still.

I feel i am a very big small time investor in the game. I feel i give lots to the game and community (for my place in the world) So this busy mama has a bot. meh... ban it and i probs will stop playing?? I spend heaps in the eco system. matt fomo's me to cards all.the.bloody.time.. lol

EDIT : i went on a rage here about the economy and the govt giving money to people and crime money and all sorts of "sarah has had a glass or 3 of wine..." and now have edited the post.

basically, If you are spending in an economy and does it matter if it is drugs, a tv, or healing rock crystals??

Thanks for another great episode guys. and @mattclarke tell me i do NOT need level 7 GF summoners :-) please... lol


!LOL. I feel like I need to integrate the term "girly collywobbles" into my life, now I know it's out there.

I think I'm a little sad about missing "3 wines" Sarah,
!LOL she seems like something of a riot. Maybe I'll catch the next one. 😁
Edit to add, I enjoyed you on the last show. I wanted to comment about some of the gardening stuff you guys touched on, particularly to ask you if you have any experience with aquaponics, but I had a busy week and never got back around to it.


i am a big believer of using what ever words feel right... "girl collywobbles" seemed to fit.

the wine was a very nice Carmenere red. goes great with spicy food.. lol but alas, is is all gone :-)

glad you like the show, all of them have been asking me to come on the show since like episode three, but i am so jolly busy that its hard to nab me.
I personally have had limited experience with aquaponics. but i have an acquaintance here in town who has a big aquaponics system in the backyard. He got me growing ginger and i have some cuttings and so on. I like the concept of it. So fascinating. ive walked around his system and that is about as close as my knowledge of aquaponics gets. I like the "system" of it, so obvious... grow fish, eat fish, while fish grow, use them to feed plants.. eat plants and fish.. sounds good to me.

I love being able to grab fresh stuff from the garden to add to dinner. I love that my kids know what real veges look like from the garden and are happy eating eggs from the chickens.

love your posts.


My dad was a farmer/gardener all his life, but he was of the traditional variety, so I had to learn about hydroponics from growing weed for a bit, and I got busted before I had a chance to set up an aquaponic system, but it's always been something I hope to re-visit, someday. Building then making use of an entire ecosystem seems like a cool project, especially if I could use shrimp, but about any edible animal will do. 😁

Also, thanks for the !LUV

I kinda wish I could stay manic enough to post more often, but I'm kinda glad I'm not that manic all the time. The troubles that would ensue.... 😆


Wow, I didn't realise that aquaponics was a whole ecosystem (why is there no exploding head emoji on peakd?)


sorry i missed the reply... but yes it is a really in depth system... very fun and technical...


I want to hear more about your interest in aquaponics 😊


Well, lol, maybe growing shrimp to to create an ecosystem to feed weed, so I'll have munchies on hand while I harvest. 😁


OK, since you've silenced @mattclarke,let me just say, "Max your summoners" 🤠


lol... i just don't think i can... lol... maybe... we will see... but then i need to max everything else and the moolah... just can't keep stretching... lol


Yes, the struggle is real lol, you should see my wish list haha.


Absolutely on the part about maxing out cards and using a hybrid bot/manual system to play. Lately ive been using the challenge feature more, where i can play whatever i want without being penalized. I wish i could challenge Xbot/archmage bots. if they themselves were allowed to tap into ghost cards no idea how that would work, but i want it. For the second point, YES!, upgrade matyr cards haha
