Skybids-gaming THGaming Intro -


Well I thought I would do a small little intro for the THGaming community, I know it is quite small but with time it can and will grow much bigger. I am not the founder or leader just thought I would give a little shout-out to @jim-crypto as he is the main behind @thgaming.

To start I guess my main account for those that don't know is @sklinebuds, I am a cannabis and gardening poster for the most part and welcome everyone to check out weedcash and @gardenhive.

I have recently started to live stream and blog about gaming hints the new account as I wanted to keep my gaming and play2earn separate from my cannabis and gardening, And well some crypto post on skylinebuds.

The idea with thgaming is epic with building the community with play2earn and the main idea, I am glad to be curating for them and I plan to stake all my thgaming till I can reach at least the 100k mark but might aim for more.

I will be curating with my @skylinebuds-weed account as well this account, The @skylinebuds-weed is my curation and giveaway account that will also be stake half of the THGaming rewards gets the other half is sold added to liquid and given to delegators.

On to that I have been running my weedcash curation project for about 3 months or so and have burned a load of tokens as well as given hundreds away to delegators. I am excited to announce that I am starting this with thgaming tokens as well,

So wait for that post and follow @skylinebuds-weed for that announcement this weekend.

I am also in the THGaming guild 2 working to help get the barracks leveled up so we can get the store to level 2 and we start getting cad for our merits from brawls.

Really outside of that get posting your play2earn content with #thgaming tag and in the Community.

If you are on I welcome you to come and start talking and dropping some links with some context in the new THGaming channel.

contest sometime during the stream for the skylinebuds-weed, Check it out below
THGaming discord

Sub to support on other platforms -

Support the Channel -

Hivelist store
Hive Donate

Here is the weekly schedule if you want to come and join us live,

Play2Earn With SkylineBuds is on
Mondays - 10:00 am - 12:00 am EST
Tuesdays - 10:00 am - 12:00 am EST
Thursdays - 10:00 am - 12:00 am EST
Fridays - 10:00 am - 12:00 am EST
Saturdays - 10:00 am - 12:00 am EST
Sundays - 10:00 am - 12:00 am EST

I also Try to get on every night to play some Nintendo switch, Not always with voice but I am working on that

daily contest post can be found on this account, come join

#crypto #hive #cannabis #blockchain #gaming #bitcoin #vimm #splinterlands #wax #hiveblockchain #gaming #live
