
Greetings to my beloved WOO gaming Community. It's another awesome day and your young writer and game lover @skyehi is back again to share some thoughts on Wrestling Organization Online, WOO.

Polish_20230922_084805286.jpgOriginal Image Source by u_7l0radw7rn from Pixabay

Well before I begin my blog post for today, I would like to start be saying speedy recovery to our main man and top G "Bookerman" he's not been feeling too good this week and so I hope you get better "Bookerman" your team really misses you a lot.


In today's blog post I'll be sharing really briefly on a topic discussion that was also included in the past WOO Q and A live stream that happened on Sunday.

I personally asked "Bookerman" whether or not WOO will be affiliating in anyway with WWE and he responded "No" with a very good reason why.

He believes that WWE is not handling wrestling talents and wrestlers that well when it comes to pay roll and treatment. Vince McMahon the chairman of the board is a little behind the scenes now and things are pretty different from how they were in the past.

I believe that Wrestling talent needs to be taken really seriously. Wrestlers are not just fighters like boxers or UFC fighters, they are real life entertainers.

Our passion for wrestling ain't just about the sport of fighting. It's about the Wrestlers, their personalities and the storylines they are involved in that usually leads to an epic showdown or main event.

The wrestling talent is unique and should be treated as such.


I love the vision of WOO in being able to support, inspire and encourage some of the great Wrestling names like Perry Saturn.

So far WOO has raised about $30,000 dollars for their partners and those they intend to help and the funny thing is that the game is not even released yet. It's still in Beta Mode.

This goes to show what is possible and the prospects of WOO to all these wrestling giants that have leaved seriously great and legendary legacies in the world of wrestling.

I could imagine how happy and excited Perry Saturn was to be a partner with WOO and have his wrestling character amongst the WOO wrestlers NFT roster. This would probably give him the sense that people still care about him

Not only him though, there are many more wrestlers that have already partnered and will be partnering with WOO.


WOO is also planning on building a real life Wrestling organization like AEW and WWE. This I believe is one of the best news I've had about WOO.

Based on their vision to help, support and make wrestling better than they found it, I believe their wrestling company will be amongst the best.

You will be able to buy your Wrestling tickets with their WOO crypto token. "Bookerman" already talked about some of the privileges you'll get for buying the tickets with the WOO tokens like front seat spot which is definitely where I want to be just like Green shirt guy in WWE, always present in every event. My favorite color is blue so I'll probably be WOO's blue shirt guy 😂.

Indeed WOO's vision is super great and I believe we should all contribute well, rally our forces behind it and support it to become a full reality.

Unfortunately since Bookerman isn't feeling well, we will need to hold on for more details about the plan on building a real life wrestling company.

Well for the mean time I'll simply be enjoying my stay on WOO and pray that Bookerman gets well soon so the show can go on guys.🙏🌟

I'll end my blog post right here guys. As always if you have any comment, question or suggestion regarding this blog topic, feel free to fire it up in the comments section below. Until we meet again, give me a WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! 😂


If you are excited and want to join the WOO game online, I'll share the link below guys. 👇

Link to the WOO page below 👇


I also took the liberty of sharing the community discord page so you can get to interact with your new WOO family on discord. It's a pleasurable experience joining the WOO Discord community. That's were you'll get your wrestling belt as a member. Bye guys ❤️

Link to the WOO Discord Community 👇

WOO Discord Community

