WOO - Dijak's Big Decision: Moving Up to RAW or SmackDown?


Hello, wrestling fans in Hive and WOO,

I think for this blog we should talk about Dijak’s big move.

It is the one where he could choose to leave NXT and go to RAW or SmackDown. Yes that one.

Lately, NXT is a place where Dijak has shown some good performance. He had also been engaged in some high profile matches and was given another name for himself.

However, it seems like he wants something else now. During the Big Draft Event such as NXT Departure, he will be willing to join either RAW or Smackdown.

Dijak does not give a damn which brand he is going to; all he desires is doing what he loves irrespective of his final destination. That is how I think it goes down.

Now, let’s discuss Triple H and Shawn Michaels! Right?

Legends! Once upon a time they wrestled, but currently, they are operating behind the curtains. Even Dijak referred to them after one of his major battles. Definitely he is grateful for their backing.

What I want to know is where Dijak goes next?

Will he continue at NXT or shift to RAW or SmackDown? Perhaps, we just have to wait and see. However, there is no doubt about it – whatever he picks out will lead him into a bright future.

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