WOO - My Take on Roman Reigns Losing the WWE Championship


Greetings Wrestling fans and as always welcome back.

So, I was just reading about Cody Rhodes defeating Roman Reigns to become WWE Champion at ‘WrestleMania 40’. It’s a big thing, isn’t it?

You know Reigns has been holding on to that title since Payback 2020. Then all of a sudden, it’s gone after 1316 days.

During the match titled “Bloodline Rules”, other top names like Seth Rollins, The Undertaker and John Cena appeared.

They helped Cody win and now, with Paul “Triple H” Levesque in charge; it looks like there is a new era for them.

This information came from The Undertaker’s podcast called Six Feet Under. He talked about what everyone backstage thought when Reigns lost.

He said that it was touching. You know; wrestling isn’t bad when people love each other right?

Reigns’ storyline was discussed by The Undertaker.

He compared it to when Hogan and Backlund were champions of the WWF, but it wasn’t on TV that much at that time whereas Reigns had a lot of storylines going with his cousins and the blood-line. This sounds like what made his reign unique.

This year at WrestleMania also featured an appearance from The Undertaker! That is very dope. He came out and hit The Rock, which caused the crowd to go wild. It must have been a great feeling for him to be present.

I see losing the title as a big thing for Reigns and kind of exciting also. This means there’s something new in WWE, where Cody Rhodes is currently the champion.

However, I wonder what happens next for Reigns? Will he try to win back his title or is he onto different things now?

Anyhow, it is fascinating to watch how wrestling constantly evolves and changes in time. Just when you think you get it, something strange happens. This is what makes it interesting, isn’t it?

I’m happy I stumbled upon this news. It made me start thinking about all the different stories and characters in WWE. It’s not just about the matches; it’s about the drama and the relationships between the wrestlers.

All in all, I look forward to seeing what happens next in WWE Universe.

Whether Reigns will have another shot at the title or not, I am certain that there will be more scintillating moments ahead of us. Wrestling always keeps you guessing, and that is why watching it is so much fun.

Yeah, Reigns will find it very difficult to lose the title but I am certain he will recover. Besides this can be the start of a much higher ground for him.

In essence, we should just wait and see. Nonetheless, WWE doesn’t run out of twists.

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