WOO - My Take on The Rock's Possible Injury and Cody Rhodes' Response


Greetings Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Wrestling Organization Online, WOO

Due to the fact that WrestleMania XL is in session, a huge number of fans are looking forward to it.

However, there is a particular concern over whether The Rock will face injury during this time. It is a big thing, and I would like to present my opinion.

Consequently, there is an old hand known as Stevie Richards who believes that The Rock might be injured at WrestleMania XL. It scares me since he has always been among the top wrestlers and hasn’t appeared in the ring for ages now.

According to Stevie Richards, The Rock may be too muscly to throw punches accurately. Something was not just right with me though; however, but it does appear so. Well being over-muscular may hamper easy movement through space.

On Night One of WrestleMania, The Rock has teamed up with his cousin, Roman Reigns for a big tag team match. They are going against Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins; it is going to be intense.

However, on Night Two The Rock also has a match to help Roman Reigns retain his title. This can be very frustrating because the stakes are high and so is the possibility of injury.

The Rock did something pretty intense last week on RAW. He attacked Cody Rhodes and left him bleeding in the parking lot.

It was quite a sight but I started thinking about how Cody Rhodes might respond to that sort of thing. I mean wouldn’t you get really angry if someone did that?

Cody’s blood was smeared on a weight belt, which had “Mama Rhodes” written on it by The Rock. This just adds more fuel to the fire right?

Even Cody’s sister talked about how mad their mother was and she might come to WrestleMania to come face to face with The Rock. It is going personal and that is when things can really detonate.

As for how Cody Rhodes would respond on RAW, I am sure he has something to say about what happened.

I mean, nobody enjoys being attacked and humiliated like that, especially not before the whole wrestling world.

He might be out there throwing punches both through his words and even physically. It will be intense for sure.

I’m looking forward to what happens next but also worry a bit for the safety of the Rock. Wrestling is a dangerous game where injuries could happen to anyone despite whether they are superstars or not.

Nonetheless, I am also inquisitive of how Cody Rhodes will go about doing this.

That journey till WrestleMania is going to be one hell of an adventure indeed.

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