WOO - Reflecting on The Rock's WWE Comeback: My Take and Hopes for the Future


Greetings to Wrestling Organization Online, WOO.

By the way, I have been reading some WWE gossip of late, and backstage is on fire. The Rock’s comeback has been the hot topic within this; however, I also have something to say.

First of all, let us discuss The Rock returning to the ring. Obviously enough, for me especially he is always considered as the best one. Afterall, who doesn’t?

It's his electrifying presence that always keeps me glued to my seat during his matches and his epic promos as well as those iconic eyebrow raises. So when I found out that he was coming back, I was pretty hyped.

But then there were whispers about some behind-the-scenes drama.

As it appears by news, there might be a raw nerve or two between certain individuals over what is happening here but still not confirmed about that at all.

Let’s consider The Rock’s role in all of this. He isn’t coming back to lay the smackdown on any jabronis, as I understand. Moreover, he has joined TKO’s board of directors and that is a serious matter. Actually, it’s good to see him expanding his professional horizons beyond wrestling.

Now here is where things get a little more interesting than before. Some people are saying that Triple H could leave WWE because of all this drama.

However, Triple H is also the stuff-of-legends figure who was monumental in the existence of this firm for years so if he were to go away there would be some huge changes about to happen.

In my opinion, I have always admired both The Rock and Triple H. It is true; they have had their problems before just like anyone else but we cannot overlook their skills in the performances they deliver at the ring each day.

However, if I were to pick sides, I would go with The Rock on this one. There is something about his charisma and star power that is simply too hard to ignore.

Besides, I am eager to see where this new role takes him in TKO’s board.

So all in all, The Rock’s WWE comeback has surely rattled some cages backstage. Whether it leads to Triple H quitting or not can only be determined by time. But one thing is certain, I will be watching how it transpires.

What do you think? Are you enjoying The Rock's recent stint in WWE? Leave a comment below.

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