
Drake of Arnak.gif

Hey guys! looks like i made a mistake yesterday when I thought General Sloan was a Dragon type and I'm so sorry about that. So to make peace with everyone reading my blog I made another one that features Drake of Arnak. I solemnly apologized for what happened.



Rule Set


Standard - No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics.
Mana Capacity : 13
Available Element : All Elements


Low mana cost is a tough one. You have to strategize what cards to use and think of a way to easily defeat the enemy. Since I am using Drake of Arnak, I chose fire elements to devour this battle. Drake of Arnak is known for giving +1 shield to his allies.

Antoid Platoon (Shield)1stSerpentine Spine (Opportunity)2ndGoblin Fireball 3rd
With a low mana cost battle, you have to be picky who are you going to use as a tank. In my case though, since Drake would be giving 1 shield to everyone on my field. I chose Antoid to be on the frontline since it also has an ability to reduce attacks.Opportunity ability is the reason why I put this card on the second position. Aside from that it can also inflict high damage to the opponent.I needed a range attacker so Goblin Fireball is a perfect fit for that role. He is also just a 2 mana cost monster.


My Opponent

I just noticed that almost all of my opponents uses Obsidian as their summoner and I think when it comes to low mana cost battle, this card is on a disadvantage. Now lets talk about the card my foe use.

Biceratops 1stKhmer Princess 2ndUraeus(Sneak) 3rd
The Battle

Obsidian only got a chance to empower one of her monsters which is the Khmer Princess but since I had the chance to attack her first, she was easily taken down by Serpentine Spy on the first round. Drake of Arnaks' shield made my monsters invincible, it's an extra life for when they got attacked the first time around. So when Uraeus attacked Goblin Fireball, it was useless.

The second round of the battle is where my cards simultaneously attacked Biceraptops until he got kicked out of the battle. My opponent also had a chance to attack but since I have a shield, everyone survives. Uraeus was the last one left but then, not long enough was also eliminated. It only took 4 rounds for me to achieve this victory. An easy match for my cards! Drake of Arnak is very indeed useful on protecting his allies.


I put the link below so you guys can watch it:
