AIRDROP DAY #353 out of 365 | SPS STAKING AND IT'S PRICE UPDATE | 14th July,2022.


Hello Fellows! I hope you all are fine and having a great day there with your family and your loved ones. Today I woke up at 9 am in the morning because the workers had an off day today and tomorrow also they will have an off day. After that I got fresh and did my breakfast with my little sister.

At the afternoon time I went to meet my cousin who will be going to Canada tomorrow at the morning time so I spent some time with him and had my lunch with him as well. I was free after that so at the night time I opened the splinterlands game and claimed 64.587 SPS tokens totally from the airdrop and also from the staking rewards and then I staked them, so now my total staked SPS balance have reached to 9,734.208 SPS tokens and it is worth 454.96 USD because the price of one SPS token in the market as for now is 0.047$.


If you want to play splinterlands,be free to join through this link below and experience playing this beautiful game that will help you to boost your mind capabilities.
