Rentals need tweaking

Every single season end, the same: owners go on a rental cancellation spree acouple of days prior to the season end, and renters end up getting their leagues pulled back and lose chests from the daily quest rewards even IF they go back in the market to re-rent the same card at a minimum 3x times the initial price.

Screenshot 20211115 at 14.17.23.png

A deal is a deal. Rentals need to be fixed. A person who places a card on the market should be certain of the conditions of the deal he/she is proposing. Same applies to the one renting. If you rent a card for 7 days, you should keep that rental for the 7 days. Otherwise, rent daily.

This being said, one of the possible solutions is to make rentals locked. This means, remove the ability to cancel them. Don't like this solution? Well, at least put a penalty in effect for those who cancel rentals, from one side or another. Have them have to pay an extra DEC or SPS fee to be able to cancel rentals, and I guarantee you it won't happen as much.


I agree, as a renter, I wish there was more flexibility in the contract. For example, I would love to have a mix of my cards at different duration. Those that are low DEC income at unlimited duration, then high earners which go up the most season end on short rents.

Then a min per cent of the contract fulfilled before it can be cancelled by either party.


Your post is very good. Shame for those.
As usual another flaw from the game side, and the main reason why I don’t rent any card. Sadly
