Completing the A. I weapon digital drawing


Good Evening people!
Hope you had a wonderful day?
As mentioned few days ago I would complete the drawing and apply color and some few shadow effects.
August as already come to an end.
It may have been a busy month for me. However it also the month the value of blurt had a heavy downward flow but we keep moving forward.


Steps 👇👇👇
From where I left off yesterday. I continued after making the base color and its importance is so I can use the magic wand tool like a mask. It makes it easier to just select a specific part i want to add color details to.
Starting with the front view legs. The hardest choice was the color to use although it was later that it hit me I could just use the HSC to change the color anytime so it did not matter what color I chose first. Not to rush things before the color I had to make the lighting effect which was the trick I learnt so I could use to making the shadow effects and color more efficient. Using the fill tool on radial mode I made the lighting effect. On a new layer above the base color layer.
Next I chose brown to color it. Both lighter and darker ones. Reduced the saturation of the lighting layer and set the color layer to overlay which gave it the perfect blending to the light.

For the back legs I barely did anything or didnt even do anything.
The hip or base likewise had the same thing done, I made a lighting then followed each segment and colored. Making some grey and dark brown just to differenciate between the bolts nots joints e.t.c
Same process for the cannon head. Made a base color. Then the lighting and then the color on overlay.
Lastly was the shadow and frankly I don't want sound like a broken record but also the same process.






Thanks for viewing
Hive 🚀🚀🚀
