My last rewards in league GOLD II [PT/ENG]

OLA jogadores splinterlands,

Hoje consegui manter-me na liga GOLD II esta complicado chegar a liga GOLD I acho que nao vou conseguir passar daqui😅😁.

O meu objectivo é chegar novamente a liga diamante III esta temporada faltando agora pouco mais de 1 dia para o final de temporada e nao esta nada facil acho que nao vou passar da liga ouro 😢😢

hoje tambem consegui vencer batalhas suficientes para ter 6 baús para abrir no final do foco na liga GOLD II

consegui 2 cartas raras mais 10 cartas comuns,vou usar elas para evoluir as cartas na minha coleçao SOULBOUND, consegui algumas poçoes e nada de méritos, nem SPS 🤣😄

bom jogos a todos,


HELLO splinterlands players,

Today I managed to stay in the GOLD II league. It's difficult to reach the GOLD league. I don't think I'll be able to pass from here😅😁

My goal is to reach the diamond league III again this season with just over 1 day left for the end of the season and it's not easy at all I don't think I'll pass the gold league 😢😢

today I also managed to win enough battles to have 6 chests to open at the end of the focus in the GOLD II league

I got 2 rare cards plus 10 common cards, I'm going to use them to evolve the cards in my SOULBOUND collection, I got some potions and no merits, nor SPS 🤣😄

good game everyone
