Splinterlands Battle ConsiderationsVol3 Cost29,Heavy Hitters

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Hi, I'm splintercat (Japanese) .
Here are the rules I will explain. What do you think when you see this rule?

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Because of its 29 cost, the element is strongly blue. The opponent should also choose blue, so the first and second rows should contain monsters that reflect magic. This is because blue is rarely used to sneak. Because of the heavy hitter rule, the first row should be Lord , who is active even if he is out of combat. I also want to include a monster that has stun. I also want to include a cure to recover from stun.

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The other person seems to have the same idea. The second row is weak.

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By having a magic reflection in the second row, I was able to defeat Rule of The See early and won.

Thank you for the game.
