Splinterlands BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge: CLOSE RANGE!



Good day, everyone! It's time again for another battle challenge from Splinterlands. This time, the battle challenge is Close Range Ruleset. If you would also like to participate, please make sure to check their post here - BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! For this post, I am going to share a battle with Close Range Ruleset in Modern Gold League. If this piques your interest, please continue reading this post.

RULESET: Close Range

Monsters with ranged attacks are allowed to attack in the first position.
One might consider using all ranged attack monsters with this ruleset. However, this ruleset is rather complex, and one must first study the entire scenario before playing. Because all monsters will have this ability, you may wish to avoid using monsters whose sole ability is Close Range. Keep an eye out for opponents who have a summoner who grants the Return Fire ability or monsters who have the ability themselves because using ranged attack monsters will back-fire at you.


Battle Configuration


For my first battle, here are the rulesets and mana cap to be considered. Here we have "Odd Ones Out: Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles." and "Rise of the Commons: Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.". I have so few creatures to use with these additional rulesets. So how would I maximize the use of the Close Range ruleset? Given that only two elements are active, Earth and Life, I went on using General Sloan as my summoner to increase the range attack power by 1. And as for the monsters, here are my best options.

  1. Blinding Reflector - because it has the most decent Armor among the remaining monsters. The Magic Reflect is just a bonus if ever the enemy used Magic Attack monsters.

  2. Stitch Leech - because of its Life Leech ability, I thought that It may have steal a good amount of health and became my tank. Hehehe

  3. War Pegasus - mainly because of its Flying ability to add chance of evading physical attack, considering that the enemy will use ranged attack also.

  4. Portal Spinner - because of its 3 Ranged Attack power at level 5 and will be increased to 4 after receiving General Sloan's buff. It also has Snare ability for those enemy with Flying ability.

  5. Loan Boatman - this is so sad because I was forced to used a starter card because I have no others to play on. And I thought, it's either get reward deduction from using starter card or might lose because I have not enough fire power.

  6. Gobson Bomber - this one has quite a punch when it comes to output power. Its Recharge combined with +1 Ranged Attack will result to 9 damage every second turn.



Battle Summary and Analysis

The opponent used Earth element and used summoner Immortalis and used monsters with a combination of melee, ranged and magic attacks.
  1. My Blinding Reflector was put into disadvantage because I used it mainly because of its shield. Enemy monsters have Shatter ability which was from Immortalis and will easily destroy Blinding Reflector's shield.
  2. The enemy did not use summoner or monster to power up the attack of his/her monsters. This puts me to an advantage.
  3. My line-up has more monsters compared to the enemy, which in this battle put me to an advantage.
  4. Gobson Bomber has free hit which means it can kill one monster every second turn without being the target of the enemy attack.

Battle Replay




For my second battle, here are the rulesets and mana cap to be considered. Here we have "What Doesn't Kill You: All Monsters have the Enrage ability." and "Counterspell: All Monsters have the Magic Reflect ability.". The mana cap here is 13 only which is very challenging. But I have something in my deck that is quite interesting. I have a Level 4 Swamp Spitter which has 3 Ranged Attack and has Repair ability. To fully utilize this monster, I used Kelya Frendul as my summoner. Since the mana cap is was 13 only, I used low mana monsters as much as possible.

1. Torrent Fiend - it has 0-mana cost and has 1 melee damage. Given that it will have an armor, Swamp Spitter should be able to restore its destroyed armor every turn.
  1. Swamp Spitter - if Torrent Fiend got killed, Swamp Spitter should be able to still attack in the first position because of the Close Range Ruleset and can sustain its own armor if it got destroyed.

  2. Igor Darkspear - a 2-mana cost ranged attack monster that has 5 HP and can do 2 ranged attack damage.



Battle Summary and Analysis

The opponent used summoner Kelya Frendul also and a monster that can repair armor which is Scavo Hireling.
  1. The opponent's monster in 1st position has more damage and already has an armor, better than my Torrent Fiend.
  2. I have 3 monsters that can deal damage and can self sustain its own armor, whereas the opponent has 2 monsters that can deal damage and one that can sustain the armor of allied monster.
  3. The opponent's last monster will be useless because I have no monster with Sneak Attack.

Battle Replay



Experimenting with your line-up with the Close Range ruleset is a lot of fun, and there are a few different methods to do so. It's particularly useful if you have a monster with dual attacks, such as The Vigilator's melee and ranged attacks or Runemancer Florre's magic and ranged attacks. Just remember to be inventive and have fun with each battle! 😄


That's it, and thanks for reading. If you're interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01.
Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!
*Images used are from Splinterlands and Peakmonsters and edited in Canva.
