
Bera Relaxes

The warm mug of tea warded off the morning cold as Bera Dallin stood atop the stone wall. The small town of Kainek sat quietly at her back, and the vast land of Praetoria stretched out before her as far as she could see. She wore no armor and had no weapon at her side. It felt good to just be herself, and not ready for battle.  —From Odyssey , an entry in the Tome of CHAOS
Collection: Chaos Legion
Total Edition(s): 50
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splinterlands 6 Private 7000 SPT ($0.376)
splinterlands 7 Private 7000 SPT ($0.376)
splinterlands 8 Private 7000 SPT ($0.376)
splinterlands 9 Private 7000 SPT ($0.376)
splinterlands 10 Private 7000 SPT ($0.376)
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@hurricanelye bought edition #5 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #4 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #3 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #2 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@druidsblood bought edition #1 from @splinterlands for 7000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands tokenized 50 editions
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