Thanks Splinterlands for the non-toxic community ENG/BR



I've been a league of legends player, WoW, R6 and a few other games with at least questionable communities, and these games have many problems, but the worst is the aggressive community they carry. The toxicity in these highly competitive communities is daunting, and I'm grateful for finding a different game.

These games have a common point with Splinterlands, they are highly competitive, and winning these games brings you a higher ranking. However, what is surprising is that in Splinterlands victory brings money that can be used and that would be more than enough to generate a toxic community hungry for victory, and it doesn't happen. Here everyone teaches everyone, with a nice community on this network, on discord and on streamings. This is really amazing. I've been cursed for a lot less, I even remember defeating an opponent in fatigue at Hearthstone, and the guy made a point of adding me as a friend just to humiliate me for the luck I had and all that. So much work just to curse...

Anyway, let my thanks for this amazing community be recorded, see you around Splinters, peace.

Obrigado Splinterlands por não ter uma comunidade tóxica.

Já fui um jogador de league of legends, WoW, R6 e alguns outros jogos com comunidades no minimo questionáveis, e esses jogos pecam em muitos problemas, mas o pior é a comunidade agressiva que eles carregam. A toxicidade nessas comunidades altamente competitivos é assustador, e agradeço por encontrar um jogo diferente.

Esses jogos têm um ponto em comum com Splinterlands, são altamente competitivos, e ganhar nesses jogos, trás um ranking maior para você. Porém, o que é surpreendente, é que no Splinterlands a vitória traz dinheiro que pode ser usado e isso já seria mais que suficiente para gerar uma comunidade tóxica sedenta pela vitória, e não acontece. Aqui todos ensinam todos, com uma comunidade agradável nessa rede, no discord e nas streamings. Isso é realmente incrível. Já fui xingado por muito menos, me lembro até de ter derrotado um oponente na fadiga dentro do Hearthstone, e o cara fez questão de me adicionar como amigo só para me humilhar pela sorte que tive e tudo mais. Tanto trabalho só para xingar…

Enfim, que fique registrado o meu agradecimento por essa incrível comunidade, vejo vocês por aí Splinters, paz.


Splinterlands is seems like a awesome game, fun and earn money from here, so much welcome and !PIZZA.


The community has been always great not only in Splinterland but all over the hive blockchain. Of course you find &%$holes everywhere but mainly everyone is really helpful.
Oneup vote done.
Consider to vote on my proposal at and tell your friends about it.
If this goes through viewers of my stream will be ale to mine ONEUP with their channelpoints!


yes, I've noticed that everyone around the Hive network is very friendly, which is really nice.

I voted for the proposal, it is very interesting and will strengthen both the 1up network and its stream.



Boom! you have been manually curated by failingforward for your great content

