Water Deck for Bronze/Silver league September/2021


Hello guys! Welcome to my first post! I was a little afraid to do it because I don't have much playing time yet, so anything wrong please let me know.
I want to share with you a water deck that has been working very well with me and without spending a very high amount of DEC to rent (the earnings are outweighing the expenses in a few games). I will focus on its use in bronze. In silver it is similar, but the cards are at a higher level. Feel free to comment on the chat below, I'll thank you!

Tip: When looking for cards to rent, don't forget to check if their price in the gold version is at a better price than the normal version.

𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: I will mark differences different combinations of summoners and monsters, arranged as follows:

  • G: You need to use this, it's the deck's core
  • R: We're going to use this a lot and you can usually switch between these cards depending on your mana cap or at its cost in DEC.
  • S: It is possible to fit specific situations where the mana cap is higher than normal.
  • C: Not that it's a bad option, but it's only possible because of the mana cap 99.

Let's start with summoners and I will always keep the cheapest options on the market in mind. This deck is still possible to work with a level 1 summoner, but its win rate will be higher with a level 2 summoner.




My favorite summoner currently! I consider it a core card for this deck for three reasons:

1. Low mana
2. Allows you to use rare cards at level 3 in bronze
3. Doesn't cost as much as other water summoners

Sometimes we can find it between 10 - 30 DEC on the market (level 2)


When I compare it to Xia Seachan I consider it worse, but it is still possible to use it and bother your opponent who loves using some magic attack cards. The problem is to allow only rare level 2 cards. Some advantages:

1. Reduces opponent's magic power.
2. Used to be cheaper than Xia Seachan

We can find it between 5 - 20 DEC on the market (level 2)


Nothing against Vera Salacia, but it's almost like paying 3 mana for a card with no effect, plus it has the same problem as Bortus - Not allowing rare cards at level 3. Its advantages:

1. Very cheap card
2. Counter the ability flying

We can find it between 0.3 - 2 DEC on the market (level 2)

Dragon Summoners

Dragons are charming creatures. They can live for hundreds to thousands of years, and may be considered by some to be one of the most powerful magical creatures in the world. You don't want to get in their way. Glory to Gloridax!

I won't go into details about dragon summoners because I don't usually use them in my decks. I have doubts if a combination of dragon and water is effective, maybe in the future I will do an update or put together another guide with a greater focus on them. Anyway I need to test more combinations with them before recommending something.


The advantage of dragons is that you can combine two different types of decks and look for a powerful combination. The problem is that dragons tend to be muuuuuuch more expensive than usual (I exaggerated a little, but it usually has a higher price).
Another problem is that most dragons are legendary, so we can only use them up to level 1 (in bronze), and they tend to be more powerful at level 2. In short, I don't think it's worth it.

About these summoners:
Kretch is epic, so rares level 3 are allowed
Drake is OK, 1 armor is always welcome
Brighton can stop you from taking that 2 earthquake damage and gain any chance of your opponent missing.

We can find them between .4 - 8 DEC on the market (level 2)


This deck generally performed well on all mana curves. He tends to have a disadvantage in mana cap 12/29/30. But there is still a decent chance of victory.

What did you say about Squint you freshwater sailor? Keep an eye on the sea before I show you the wrath of Two Gun - Two Gun Pete


You really need to fit this card into any composition you're going to make in this deck. 4 damage, 9 life and heal. This is definitely the monster of normal cards. But be careful with the rules of the current game, Affliction and any card that lowers his health to 8 are your counters, because with 8 health he will only heal 2 instead of 3, and 2 heal is much easier to explode with damage than 3 isn't it?

1. Low cost (DEC)
2. High damage
3. High life
4. Heal

We can find it between .3 - 8 DEC on the market (level 3)


What's better than a monster with 4 damage and 3 healing? A monster with 4 damage and 6 healing and this card makes it possible at a low mana cost and if it's at level 3 it still grants you 1 ranged damage.

1. Increases healing for sea monster
2. Low mana

We can find it between .5 - 12 DEC on the market (level 3)


I particularly like this card, both for its art and the Damage/Life/Ability balance. An excellent choice to put on deck.

1. Snipe can save matches
2. Low mana
3. Good Damage

We can find it between 1 - 4 DEC on the market (level 3)


It's a good combo with the sea monster, both maintain good health regeneration and do a good job against low-explosive decks.

1. High damage
2. High speed
3. Heal

We can find it between .4 - 14 DEC on the market (level 3)


Same as pirate captain, but with Sneak and melee damage (beware Myler players).

1. Sneak can save matches
2. Low mana
3. Good Damage

We can find it between 1 - 3.5 DEC on the market (level 3)


This card is wonderful, it fills that 1 mana left to close the cap, decreases your chance to miss and play before your opponent. It's a real wildcard. Too bad I didn't start playing it when they were handing it out to reward chest. But luckily we have a lot of them for rent and we don't necessarily need to rent at level 3

1. Reduce speed of oponent
2. Low mana

We can find it between .1 - 3 DEC on the market (level 3)


An acceptable card for games with larger amounts of mana.

1. Snipe can save matches
2. Regular damage

We can find it between .4 - 2.5 DEC on the market (level 3)


Double strike is usually a strong ability. The life and speed of the card is also good, but I hardly ever used it.

1. Double strike ability
2. Strong card

We can find it between 7 - 15 DEC on the market (level 2)


I really like the aesthetics of this card, but I usually don't have space to put it in the match. If the match rules have Opportunity on all monsters, I recommend using this card.

1. Blast Ability
2. Low mana

We can find it between 1 - 8 DEC on the market (level 3)


To be honest I only used this card in my Sneak quest, but it turned out well. So I leave here the possibility to use it.

1. Sneak ability with magic damage

We can find it between 12 - 20 DEC on the market (level 1)


It's a good tank to put up front. And since we are considering 99 of mana...

1. Void ability
2. Lots of life and armour

We can find it between 1 - 5 DEC on the market (level 1)


This can cut the heal and still has a modest amount of life.

1. Affliction ability

We can find it between 3 - 8 DEC on the market (level 2)


I think this card is phenomenal for 99 mana matches. High damage and direct on enemy flank hahaha

1. Sneak ability
2. High damage

We can find it between 1 - 3 DEC on the market (level 3)


This card always threatens to be strong in matches, but I don't like to recommend it because it ends up being destroyed quickly on the front lines.

1. High damage with piercing ability
2. Lots of life and armour

We can find it between 1 - 3 DEC on the market (level 3)

Mounting the deck

So did you really think that to do well in the splinterlands it's all about having expensive cards? I believe you are thinking of another card game...

That's how I usually build the deck, always evaluating the mana limit, the opponent's recent cards and rules limitations. Obviously this is not a rule, you need to adapt to each opponent you are facing, this is the fun of the game's strategy.

Do not follow the table to the letter, it does not guarantee victory. It's just a basis for you to think about how to act with the cards you have.


All the best,


Join and fight the good fight in the Splinterlands!


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Great job! I will try it.


Thanks! feel free to post your results here.


Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

Those are really some nice strategy! Pretty keen eyes you got there!


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