Audentes Fortuna Iuvat


Greetings, everyone!

The old latin proverb, "audentes Fortuna iuvat", with many meanings today: "Fortune favours the bold", "Fortune favours the brave" or "Fortune favours the strong". In fact pretty much the same. For the old Romans, their wisdom dictated than one must be strong to dare to be bold and brave, as the gods took care of everything and did not let anything to chance. Fortuna was not the unpredictable or the randomness that we know today. She was the daughter of Jupiter, the King of the Gods, and a powerful deity.

In December 2021, the value of my Splinterlands collection was $128,455.22. Now it is a little over $20k, but I continued to grow my collection with new rewards cards, although I stopped bring-in new investments, except 110 packs in Tower Defense.

My SPS stake reached 80k SPS and depending on the utility added with Tower Defense, I might increase it to 100k SPS in 2023.

Splinterlands Rewards - a nice surprise today

Current collection @steemmillionaire + @sm-pro
Number of cards: 10926 + 843

  • Common: 8355 + 594; Rare: 2064 + 183; Epic: 409 + 56; Legendary: 98 + 10
  • Alpha: 0 + 0; Beta: 708 + 41; Promo: 238 + 1; Reward: 7958 + 789; Untamed: 1868 + 12; Dice: 0 + 0; Gladius: 95 + 0; Chaos: 59 + 0; Rift: 0 + 0

Gold cards: 297 + 29
BCX: 21241 + 1091
Value: $19,834.37 + $1,608.36

Will we reach a turning point in 2023 on Splinterlands?

Nobody can tell... but I am ready.

What about you?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think the turning point won't happen until the next bull market but yea the value of our collections got hit big time. I am just slowing building and taking a bit of profits here and there to make sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
