Splinterlands: 30 minutes for card management


Greetings, everyone!

I have 11333 cards under my two Splinterlands accounts, and most of them are collecting "digital dust". OK, I'm doing everyday my missions, but more then this, there's little effort from my side to make a lucrative business our of these assets.

For this reason I decided to start a weekly series in which I dedicate 30 minutes to card management activity, sharing with you my ideas as a source of inspiration for others, and as a call for help from the community.

Please share with me your thoughts, advices, or criticism. I'm open for all of this.

The two topics from today:

1) Five valuable Reward cards for sale:

I collected tones of cards over time, and some of these one are in high demand. To bring some liquidity to my account, I decided to start selling some of these cards.

First candidates? The most valuable Common and Rare Reward cards:

I've listed with one cent below the minimum price an Creeping Doze, an Wood Nymph, an Sea Monster, and two Pragmatic Energy cards. I will keep these order for one week. I have no idea if they will sale or not, but we shall see it next Sunday.

2. Review my rented cards:

Long time ago I listed some cards on the Rental market. Some of these are renting all the time as I see some DEC coming in all the time. But are they rented for the right price? Good question!

The Splinterlands website is very bad at giving a good overview of your rentals. As example, this is what is shown for my account:

Not good enough for managing lot of cards, but there is peakmonsters.com:
If anyone can recommend a more efficient way to manage rental, please share with me!

Looking on the recent activity log, I see that my Kobold Bruiser is very popular. I have no clue why, and personally I don't even remember when I used this card in a battle...

I have three level 3 Gold cards in my collection, and each is listed on the rental market for 3.7 DEC/day, way bellow the other similar cards on the market, with the cheaper one listed at 9.25 DEC/day. Not a huge value although, so I will keep it like this, as a promo for those guys having interest in my Gold Kobolds.

Renting is a great source of passive income, but listing 10k cards looks to me unmanageable.

Help me! I'm sure I'm missing something out there...

Whish you all a great time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
