Splinter Gaming Guild - LF members

Hi all i just wanted to post something today because i started a guild. Im looking for active splinterlands players to join. I do ask for you to contribute but its a more of what you can. If you are also active on splintertalk.io and hive i will upvote players in my guild. I use hive.vote so all post will be voted automaticly. I have a small amount of SPT now but plan on buying more in the future. I would also everyone in the guild to support each other with voting of post. If you post. I will be purchasing land as well when they become available for purchase. I would like to gift out some of the new spell cards when they come into play to reward guild members for contributing to the guild. Im very excited for splinterlands and their update of the land expansion. If you would like to join please just send a request.
