RE: Brownie Is Dissappointed After Losing The Battle || Share Your Battle || Splinterlands šŸ‘¾ Weekly Challenge


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Since ya lost, I'm checking your battle... let's see if we can rearrange to maybe win next time...

  • Your Red Dragon up front is a good choice.
  • You should NEVER put a RANGED attack (your Spirit of the Forest) in Second position... unless the goal is to use her to soak up hits (cause she has high health). Once she is in first position she can no longer do any damage. She literally just sits there and gets hit until she dies.
  • The Ooze is good in the middle, being protected so you get to keep the 'weaken' ability as long as possible.
  • Brownie could have been maybe better in 2nd or 3rd position, but really you wanna keep him protected as long as possible for his 'swift' ability he lends to your team.
  • And chicken in the back is always good.

I think maybe getting your Ranged attacker in the back could have helped considerably.

Good luck! And have fun playing!


You have been manually curated by the @splinterlands / @steemmonsters team for the SHARE YOUR BATTLE WEEKLY CONTEST!

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Enjoy your juicy upvote and keep creating excellent Splinterlands content!


@carrieallen, Your kind response with effective advices is really appreciable aspect. I will implement these inputs in future Battles for sure. Stay blessed always. šŸ™‚
