Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge NO ATTACK?



This week the @splinterlands pulled a funny one on us and had us use the Monsters with No Attack. This gave us a few options and I share two battles in my video. I am hoping that the team still likes the video post. I enjoy making them but I know the post doest look as good as others. I do put a lot of time into making the video and posting all these places. 3speak, Libaray, Uptrennd or Dtube I hope to spread the word about the game like that. I hope some of you do watch the video because I have a lot of fun making these.

Yup those guys can't throw a punch but they can still win a game. It is fun to see that cube in action so go get him if you don't have him yet. Make sure to take part in the challange it is another way the game rewards you. If you are not playing yet now is a good time to join us They have some updates to the game that should improve it and add more sinks for DEC. That is a big deal as we might be making more just for playing this fun game. Goodbye,
