Just Keep Showing Up! EOS Rewards


Hey Splinterlands fam!

Trying my best to keep up with posting, but managing them RC are tricky ;)

This was a great/fun season for me! I made it comfortably into Gold 3 (Gold 2 rank, but didn't have the CP unfortunately - hoping I get some luck next time on @spl-godislove777 or @ForeverAverage streams. Love how generous this community is!) on my main account and even had some extra DEC to get an alt account up to Silver 3 for some bonus rewards!

So glad I decided to play that alt account...as you can see I pulled an Oshannus from it! That was really neat, plus my main account rewards were pretty solid as well. I'll take Wavesmiths and Chwalas all day!

For those I see occasionally in discord and twitch chat not too happy with rewards or claim to have bad luck in giveaways, let me offer some advice - don't beat yourself up over rng, it's just not worth it. If you find the card game fun, just keep playing and KEEP SHOWING UP for things you like. It really shouldn't feel like work.

Screenshot 2021-12-15 141300.png

Screenshot 2021-12-15 155346.png

That's all for this week. I'm not sure I'm ready for a "road to Diamond league" post just yet, but after I get ahold of some sweet CL packs in the general sale, that might change! In the meantime, have fun, spread love, and be well.

One love,
