Fan Art Splinterlands


I think that we artists like solitude because we feel good...!


hello dear art lovers I hope you are well on the day first I want to share something with you.

hello dear art lovers I hope you are well on the day first I want to share something with you.

and it is that today is world breast cancer day and I hope all those women fighters with this disease get ahead, and continue to be very strong..

y es que hoy es el dia mundial del cancer de mama y espero que todas esas mujeres luchadoras con esta enfermedad salgan adelante, y sigan siendo muy fuertes..

In this new publication I saw you share a splinterlands fan art which I finished a few hours ago and I can say that I really liked the result.

En esta nueva publicación te vi compartir un fan art de splinterlands el cual terminé hace unas horas y puedo decir que me gustó mucho el resultado.

for the fact that the color tones were the way I expected and the contrast with the back made a good play, I hope you like it.

por el hecho de que los tonos de color quedaron como esperaba y el contraste con la parte de atrás hizo una buena jugada, espero que les guste.



