BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! What Doesn't Kill You [EN/PT]

Hello everyone, today I'm back with my second participation in the weekly battle challenge, let's talk about the What Doesn't Kill You rule, which causes all monsters to acquire the Enrage abilityOlá a todos, hoje eu volto com minha segunda participação na desafio de batalha semanal, vamos falar da regra What Doesn't Kill You, que faz com todos os monstros adquiram a habilidade Enrage


This match took place in the Modern format ranking, in the Gold 3 league with an approximate rating of 2100. In addition to the What Doesn't Kill You rule, we also had the Fog of War rule, which nullifies the Snipe, Opportunity and Sneak abilities, and the Equalizer, which levels the hp of monsters on the field with the value of the monster with the highest base hp valueEssa partida ocorreu na ranqueada do formato Moderno, na liga Ouro 3 com o rating aproximado de 2100. Além da regra What Doesn't Kill You, também tínhamos a regra Fog of War, que anula as habilidades Snipe, Opportunity e Sneak, e Equalizer, que nivela o hp dos monstros em campo com o valor do monstro com maior valor base de hp
We also had fire, earth, life and death splinters available, as well as a total of 14 mana capTambém tínhamos os splinters de fogo, terra, vida e morte disponíveis, além de um total de 14 de mana cap


Because of Fog of War and the Equalizer, I imagined that playing with the death element would be a good option, mainly because I could use Dallan, who, granting the Cripple ability to all monsters, would somewhat disrupt my opponent's healing strategies.Por conta da Fog of War e do Equalizer, imaginei que jogar com o elemento morte seria uma boa opção, principalmente por poder utilizar o Dallan, que concedendo a habilidade Cripple a todos os monstros, atrapalharia em partes as estrategias de cura do meu oponente

Next, I chose to take the Ever-Hungry Skull, which has a very high armor value, the Thorns ability to disrupt my opponent's melee attackers and would benefit greatly from the EqualizerEm seguida, optei por levar o Ever-Hungry Skull, que possui um valor de armadura muito elevado, a habilidade Thorns para atrapalhar os atacantes corpo a corpo do meu oponente e se beneficiaria muito do Equalizer

I chose to take Venari Bonesmith, due to its Poison ability, which would help eliminate opposing monsters, making it very important to deal with possible targets with high shield values.Optei por levar o Venari Bonesmith, por conta da sua habilidade Poison, que auxiliaria em eliminar os monstros oponentes, se tornando muito importante pra lidar contra possíveis alvos com altos valores de escudo

Finally, I placed Fiend to give Venari more time to act in the backline, increasing my chances of eliminating my opponent's monsters one by one, before they reached Venari.Por fim, coloquei o Fiend para dar mais tempo para o Venari agir na backline, aumentendo minhas chances de eliminar um por um dos monstros do meu oponente, antes que eles chegassem no Venari

Team climbed, let's go to battleTime escalado, vamos a batalha


My opponent came with Grandmaster Rathe, using Pelacor Conjurer in the first position and Venari Crystalsmith in the backline, however, due to Dallan applying Cripple, Pelacor was quickly eliminatedMeu oponente veio com o Grandmaster Rathe, utilizando o Pelacor Conjurer na primeira posição e a Venari Crystalsmith na backline, todavia por conta do Dallan aplicando Cripple, o Pelacor foi rapidamente eliminado
The real problem was Venator Kinjo, who due to Immunity was not affected by poison, cripple or Thorns, however, due to Enrage, he was eliminated, which guaranteed me the victory in this match.O real problema foi o Venator Kinjo, que por conta do Immunity não era afetado nem pelo veneno, nem pelo cripple e nem pelo Thorns, todavia, por conta do Enrage, ele foi eliminado, o que me garantiu assim a vitoria nessa partida
Its all for this week friends, have a nice day. If you are reading and are thinking about starting to play Splinterlands and can use my link I really appreciate it:Isso é tudo por esta semana amigos, tenham um bom dia. Se você está lendo e está pensando em começar a jogar Splinterlands e puder usar meu link eu agradeço muito:

Good game and good week to all and until next timeBom jogo e boa semana a todos e ate a próxima



$PIZZA slices delivered:
curation-cartel tipped syel25
underlock tipped syel25
@stekene(1/10) tipped @syel25


Thanks for sharing your battle! I recently got giften the summoner Dallen, but never saw a good use case for him. Now I saw one!


He's a very interesting summoner, he's just not as general as other summoners, I'm glad it helped you see a good situation in which his use is good
