Reading Rules of The Battle will Win You Matches


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When you climb to silver, unlike Bronze league you will have different rules and Mana Cap for each game. Each game will have different rules. So these Splinterland matches are so finely built that you'll win if you just play according to the rules. Of course you will have to use your brain and skills as well.

My Battle of The Day

In my short eventful journey with Splintersland I get the most fun when I can totally dominate the opponent. You might relate to the feeling as well. Sometimes I think people play with their bots, that’s why they can’t comprehend the facts or rule set of each battle.

Let me give you an example, in rules where you will face an earthquake, where only monsters with flying abilities can win, you can totally dominate the game with flying monsters.

Pretty much the same thing happened to this battle.

RULE 1: Reverse Speed -Monsters with the lowest speed attacks first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

RULE 2: Keep Your Distance - Monster with Melee attacks cannot be used in this battle.

(Note that Water Summoners were not available in this battle)

I always think of my summoner after seeing the rules. So after seeing Rule 1 & 2, what summoner shall I pick? ( I only have starter cards)

Obviously, Contessa La’ment! You may ask “why?”

Well my friend, this summoner has a debuff of reducing 1 Melee attack from the opposition monsters.

I got carried away and put a monster with ranged attack in the first place. But I got away with that. I should have used a tanker like Peaceful Giant for the first row.

Mana Cap: 34

My Summoner: Contessa La’ment
My Splinters: Cyclops, Venari Bonesmith, Twisted Jester, Mantoid, Goblin Chariot, Dark Astronomer.

Opponent’s Summoner: Zintar Moralis
Opponent’s Splinters: Peaceful Giant, Undead Priest, Mantoid, Haunted Spider, Twisted Jester, Dark Astronomer.


So as you can see even if I made the mistake of putting a monster of ranged attack in the first row, I still dominated. The main thing which did the trick is the summoner. As I knew it already eliminated Melee attackers and Water/Earth Summoners were not available, this was going to be a match between the ranged attackers.

I guessed it right thus I got to reap the rewards. This is the most important and crucial tip I have ever got and will give to anyone, just try to understand the game. That's it! And also that's it for today!

What is Splinterland?

Splinterlans is a blockchain-based, collectible card game. You can play and earn money through it. Yes, Money! You heard it right! Actually, you will earn in-game rewards which are crypto, and you can cash it.

One of the major sources of earning money/reward is winning a ranked battle.

The fun thing is the cards here are generated by non-fungible token (NFT) technology. So each card is unique. All cards are limited in numbers, it has a certain value. There are other unique items as well like potions, dice, lands, and customized skins. You can delegate, gift, or sell them for money or crypto.

Splinterlands is growing fast. It is one of the best NFT-Based games, if not the best. And it will keep getting better. It will rock the market again after the Chaos Legion launches, IMO.

Splinterlands Summoners Spellbook

If you want to earn money in Splinterland, you will have to buy Summoners Spellbook for 10 USD. You can make the money within 2 weeks (Or even within a day or two). Use my referral link here, I will support you with DEC and all my knowledge. I will instantly delegate you with a card of my choice. I will also guide you through the journey to get back the money you invested to buy the spellbook.

Here is the link:

My IGN is @pcyanide

Happy Gaming!

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I didn't understand a thing! :s


That bot replies with your tweet link and that's it although sometimes the bot misses.


Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Reading Rules of The Battle will Win You Matches
That's true but not everyone understands the rules well like I don't.
Well done on the battlefield.
